Bonus: Huh? Lemon?

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Here's that bonus chapter I mentioned! What happens when Izuku discovers wattpad lemons?

Izuku was laying on his bed, the summer heat and humidity making the air feel thick and sticky. The AC was cranked, the fan was on, and Izuku was just relaxing.

Now, Izuku had been on wattpad for awhile now. He had read just about everything good, and even the stories that weren't so good. Mostly reader inserts for hero stories. According to wattpad, he isn't quirkless- he has the power to do pretty much anything, depending on what story he clicks.

But Izuku's wattpad library is dry. He's read it all. He remembers a lot of stories that looked pretty good, but one of his online friends said not to read them because they were bad. Something about citrus.

But Izuku was seriously desperate. He was bored half to death, and needed something to read. So, what to do?

Search: All Might reader insert

Most of the books were stories he had already read. But there was one that he had scene hundreds of times, but didn't read because he was told not to.

Super Stuff (Lemon! Yoai! AllMight!)

PFT! UwU6969LoveMeSenpai can't control what books he reads! They may be friends, but... he'll never know! Izuku will just avoid giving the story a star, and it won't show up in his activity!

Like anything bad would happen anyway, if the story sucks, oh well.

What's the worst that could happen?

"Uhm, Izuku honey? Are you okay? You've been awfully quiet..."

Inko cracked open the door, starring into her sons room, expecting him to be asleep if not for the thump she heard earlier, right after a shrill screech. But what she didn't expect, was for him to be in the fetal position on the floor, staring with blank eyes at his phone, which has been imbedded into the wall across the room. Jesus, did he throw it into the wall?!

"Izuku!" Inko rushes to his side, kneeling to put her hand on his back, "what happened baby?! Why is your phone in the wall?"

Izuku shook, his stare blank and dead, focused in on the phone like it was Satan himself, "I should have listened, mom... oh my god, why didn't I listen?! Oh god... oh Jesus... oh my Satan, what was that?! I should have listened mom... leave me... Im scarred for life, this is my punishment, I should have listened...."

Inko just stared with wide eyes, slightly scared. "Uhm, Izuku? Are yo-"

"Just go... I'll... I'll just be a minute... oh god there was so much.... ghaagwh" Izuku shivered, making some odd sound that Inko couldn't quite describe.

Inko stood up hesitantly, backing up slowly, and leaving with a shut of the door. She turned around, and walked back to the living room, dead silent, not sure if she wanted to know what that kid had seen. When it comes to the internet, you never know.

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