Never Say Never. [5]

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-Chapter 7


I stepped out of the car, I looked around. The scent of roses and blossoms filled my nostrils. When you stepped onto the ranch, you would think you were in Italy. That's what it looked like. The house, the flower garden, everything. Italine cooking coming from the kitchen..

''Bet you missed this place, huh?'' Dad asked me, looking around too, like he hadn't seen the place in years either.

''You have no idea..'' I muttered.

''Kaylee!'' I heard a scream.

I froze. My heart went cold. Disgust and hate took over my emotions as Lizzie wrapped me in a hug. My dad had walked inside, leaving us alone. Not a good idea..

She had a big fake smile plastered on her face. She looked older. Skinnier. Her face looked sunk in. She looked almost the same. She used to be so pretty. But now she just looked washed out. Her long curly blond hair looked unkept and dirty. Her arms were so skinny. She looked like a pole. Too bad the snowman didn't get her.

''We need to talk.'' She whispered in my ear.

I pushed her away from me.''What you have to say to me, I don't want to hear. Just keep you distance from me. I don't even want to look at you, Lizzie. You disgust me! I don't know how you can live with yourself knowing what you did to me! You ruined my fuckin' life! Four years! I was in hell for four years! And it's all your fault!'' I yelled at her. I was shaking with anger. All these years, I laid there in the bunk bed ..wondering what I would say to her if I ever got the chance.

''I'm sorry.. ''She choked out. Tears running down her thin face. ''I'm sorry!'' She tried to hug me again. And that was when  I lost it.

I shoved her away from me, I grabbed her hair and just started hitting her. As hard as I could. All I saw was red. I saw me that night. Scared and tired sitting in a police station. I saw my mothers worried, hurt face when the court reached a decsion. I saw the look my father's eyes held ..ashamed that I was his daughter. Wishing I was never born. I had let him down. Lizzie had my hair but could do nothing. I had her to the ground. I saw myself on that first night in Juive..  Lizzie kept screaming but I couldn't stop..

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