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Dear diary
It was 2:30 in the morning when tiki woke me for food knowing how lazy I am I didn't wanna get up so she dragged me out of bed I handed her the cookie and went back to sleep bc tommorow was the day,the day I finally get the courage to confess my love for Adrian agreste the hottest,cutest boy in my class and on top of that he's a super model!😍 I just hope I don't screw this up! This is my only chance to say it before someone else does!
Gn diary love marintte dupain-chang~)
I close the my diary and sit it on my dresser before going back to bed* ((Adrian agreste here I come!)) I fall asleep*
~the next morning~
fuck! I forgot to set my alarm for 8:00 in the morning it's 10:00 am 2 hours late for class ! Mari:not good not good not!!! TIKKI WAKE UP! I shakes the little red kawami till she wakes* TIKKI: DO U HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT TI- I interrupt the kawami* Mari:TIKIT AM FUCKING LATE I NEED TO GO NOW! U GOT TO GET UP!
The kawami just shakes her head but does as she's told*
*I throw on a pair of ripped jeans and a red tank top before slipping on some red slip on
shoes* I brush my teeth and wash my face quickly before grabbing the little kawami and throwing her in my sache *
"HEY!" The little kawami yells*
I grab my backpack and head down stairs where my mama and papa greet me "as always she's late" they say in Union as I quickly grab my piece of toast off the counter and transfer my morning coffee into a travel cup I kiss both my parents good bye and run out the door*
Suddenly my phone beeps a familiar tone it's my best bff alya the obssed ladybug fan I grab my phone out my sache quickly before running quickly around the corner* I answer the video call as alya's face pops up on the screen* alya:Mari what is wrong with u!?! Why are u always late her face full of worry* Mari:am so sorry alya I huff as I turn the the next two corners before my school comes into view* her face brights as she sees my red tank top throw her phone camera* "oooooooh" she says loudly* alya:what's the accasion?!? Mari: today's the day alya!! Alya faces brights even more* alya:u finally gonna tell him am so proud of u girl! I hope he accepts ur confession or else😤 she says with a am gonna murder someone look on her face* Mari:yeah I h- am cut myself off as I run up the steps to my school Mari:talk to ya in class gurl am heading up the stairs into the open school yard now!
Alya:ok see you in class kisses 💖 I do the same* Mari: kisses bye👋
I finally get to my class I try to sneak into the class room but it's to late I fall over adriens bag he helps me up* Adrien:whoah easy there u ok? ((Those emerald eyes 😖)) I blush deep red as I respond in a stutter Mari:y-y-yeah am f-fine are u fine? am mean of course ur fine am the one that's not fine ur gourgeous w--wait what?!😨
*Adrien just chuckles a little*
Adrien: am just glad ur ok he sits me up*Mari: hehe thx Adrien. Oh and can u meet me by the school steps afther class I wanna ask u something I play with my hair when I ask*
Adrien:sure 😄 Mari:ok thx! I still down*
Nino: that went smooth😏 Adrien chuckles again*Adrien:oh nino come on why do u always think am hitting on Mari all the dammn time?!😣nino:dude just admit u like her😏 Adrien just shakes his head* he stares down at me* Adrien:s-s-shes just a friend ok?!nino just laughs it off*nino:whatever u say man what ever u say
((~Afther class~))
Adrien meets Me in front of the steps*
Adrien:so u wanted to tell me something? I flush pink* Mari:yeah I did so umm phew this is humiliating! Ok I take a deep breath in*Adrien agreste u are the sweetest kindest most cutest guy I ever met u always know how to make someone feel better when there down what am trying to say is that I-i-i l-love u Adrien agreste will u accept my confession? I stare at the ground as I wait for a answer* Adrien is suprised but looks sad* Adrien:am sorry Mari but I can't return ur feelings don't get me wrong ur cute and ur funny and smart but I love someone else
(("Someone else", the words echo through my mind))
*I get tears in my eyes* Mari:o-o-oh am sorry for wasting ur time then I quickly speed Walk away but it's no use I stop*Adrien:Mari wai- I look down in my sache for tikki she fly's out*tikki:what are u doing ppl are gonna see u!
*I look at her with tears*Mari:idc! tikki spots on I shout for the everyone to hear*
Everyone stops and stares at me including Adrien* ladybug:IF YOU DISLIKE MY OTHER SIDE SO MUCH!! *I say through wet tears*
THEN U NEVER EVER HAS TO SEE MARI AGAIN!😭I swing off towards my house leaving everyone surprised and shocked including Adrien* Adrien:oh no .....this this can't be😨 Mari's ladybug?!?
((I hope u enjoy part 1 of my new fanfiction the Cheng diary's part two coming soon~ bye👋💖))

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