revealing secrets

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Dear diary
The last 3 words I never expected him to say to me was plagg claws out for a moment I was stunned a first and could not believe what I herd and or saw but when the final flash of green light went away there I saw him...m-m-mon chatton I sobed*
Love marintte dupain-cheng~
((12 minute's before the reveal))
I walked up the steps of my school only to see a crowd of reports and student's at the step waiting for me it didn't take long before reports where in my face shouting different questions
"Marintte do u know chats identity?" "How do u balance out ur hero life and ur normal life?!"
"Are u really ladybug?!"
I froze standing still before feeling a familiar hand grab me by my waist and host us up into the air* ???:sorry but I think she has answered enough questions today ppl it was chat noir! The black cat saved my ass big time! I'll owe him later rn I need to figure out a way to get back to into the school lucky I have the best friends in the whole wide world! Alya,rose,juleka,nino and a bunch of others including the principal were pushing back reporters so chat could let me back down successfully we were able to close the gate just in time before chat let me down kissing me on my cheek before saying chat:bye bugaboo aka purrrrincess~ chats fan club can rushing in just before he left but not before signing autographs and kissing his adoring fans hands not all but some lucky ones anyway he left my friends came rushing to me screaming "MARINTTE WE WHERE WORRIED SICK ABOUT U!"
I smiled* mari-am fine guys really I just need some me time afther my big reveal/outburst ehhehehe..... Anyways u guys aren't disappointed that am ladybug? Alya gave me a hug before realeasing and saying* alya-of course not! Why would I be mad that my best bff goual friend is a superhero! No wonder Everytime there was a akuma u kept disappearing she rolls her eyes* rose point out with a giggle* rose:DONT FORGET BEING LATE FOR SCHOOL EVERY MORNING XD everyone bust out laughing but it quickly stopped when nino snnouced some troubling news nino plasterd a worried look on his face as it announced the news* nino-has anyone seen my dude he wasn't here yesterday or the day after the reveal he hasn't answered my phone calls everyone looked worried except for one bratty girl yeld out the most ridiculous answer to his question she smirked* ???:isn't it obvious u guys are just ridiculous outterly ridiculous u guys aren't worth his time anymore😏 I  evil smirked*mari-and u are worth his time oh wait last time I checked u guys where just friends heh sorry sis anyways come on everyone let's get to class everyone walked to class as normal ms.bustier was teaching but something was off Adrien arrived late he looked like a dead zombie as he said good morning his blood shot eyes looking at me before siting down in his seat* the class went by so fast though I quick ran out the class and stopped in the bathroom* tikit flew out tikki-i wonder what Adrien wants😄 I looked at tikki with a mad look on my face* mari-i hope he doesn't wase my time😑 cause if so am gonna delete his everything from my electronics and take down his pic in my room😤 tikki just gave me this silly smirk she knew what the situation was and what was gonna happen before I did* I walked to the step where the lonely Adrien was sitting starting at a Rock with flowers siting next to him* mari-hey Adrien so what is it u wanted to tell me? I gave him a questioning look*
Adrien shot up like a bullet*
Adrien:Mari look I wanted to tell u that am not ur the reason ur identity had to be revealed am sorry for rejecting u and I want to show u something before asking u something he flushes pink* all of a sudden my anger died down into a feeling of longing as I felt his hand grab mine and pulled us into a corner I looked at Adrien as he looked around to make sure no one was watching or leasting in on there convo* mari-adrien an so sorry for getting mad at u it was stupid of me u rejected and it hurt me a lot bc I have had a crush on u since I was 14 am 17 now and so are u friends? For a moment Adrien looked sad but then his smile grew back as he told me to turn around so I did as I was told he said count to 3 so I did mari-1-2-3in a half 2  quarter 3...3! I turned  back around to hear the words I have longed to hear Adrien-"mari I love u and I want us to be together so no secrets I trust u enough so since u revealed ur identify I wanna Reveal mine plagg claws out!" Afther the final green flash flased and moved that's when I knew I'd lost it standing there in adriens place was my love addiciton mon~chatton i hit the floor hard before sobbing* mari-m-m-mon chatton..kitty?..😧
He came closer close enough to smell his breath against my lips*
He hugged me then kissed me and then rocked me so I could calm down mari-C-CHAT😭...
Chatton-shh princess ur safe shhhh....I love u princess and then before I even started to think he kissed me I kissed back bc that kiss was the best one yet that kissed represented our feelings our compassion our struggles are love together in that one kiss made me so happy I've never ever wanted to stop kissing ever I I didn't stop .....................
((Hope u guys enjoy this chapter hope ur enjoyi this series can't wait for u to read the next chapter bye^^))

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