suprise kiss

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Dear diary
Today I confessed to the boy I loved only to be turned down bc he likes someone else well I ever find love?
Afther the whole revealing my identity as ladybug and running off I got home I crash into my balcony chair before detransforming* mari-tiki spot off i collapse on the floor* mari-TIKI HE LOVES SOMEONE ELSE😳I knew this was gonna happen how could he ever loves someone like me I mean come on tikki tears streak down my face* am a nobody! I don't have fancy close or shoes am clumsy am not rich or a m- the red kawami slaps her owner* tikki:DONT EVER TALK LIKE THAT UR SMART BEAUTIFUL AND INDEPENDENT WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK IF U ARE NOT RICH OR FANCY OR A SUPER MODEL UR MARINTTE DUPAIN CHENG AND I LOVE U FOR U AND IF ADRIEN AGRESTE CAN'T RELIZE THAT THEN SCREW HIM! My sad tears turn into happy one's as I hug the little kawami we go into my room and nap* (meanwhile at school....)
Plagg:kid u really fucked up this time the blonde just rolled his eyes* Adrien:naw,like I didn't know that already??? The teen paced back and fourth*suddenly the kid knew the answer Adrien:ohhhhhh plagggg~😏
The black cat kawami knew what time it was from the jump
Plagg:OH S- the black kawami was cut off* Adrien:PLAGG CLAWS OUT! The Blondi transformers into mon~ chatton
He jumps onto the roof tops before coming to a close stop on top of girls balcony* a sudden thump awakes me* I spring to my feet* I grab my broom out of the corner near my bed and walk slowly towards my trap door* Mari:who ever u are get off my balcony or el- the girl was cut off by the recognized figure it was mon~ chatton he came to see me! I pushed open the trap door and jumped into the black cats arms* Mari:mon~chatton what did u come here ? Chat:I came to see my princess~~ and check up on you he kisses my hand* I giggle* he's face turn serious as he stops kissing my hand* chat:I herd about what happened my lady~
Mari:yeah it was really hard on myself to calm down afther what had happened it was just so fast!
Chat:princess,my lady I can't have u risking ur self like that what if hawkmoth saw u then what?*mari chuckled*Mari:and why do u care so much mon~chatton? The black cat put on a sly smile he swung me and then diped me*chat:I care for u princess and I love u a lot bc without u  who would deakumatize villans with me?and laugh at my lame jokes a- before I knew it we were kissing deep hard going deeper by the second the  cats tongue was so warm it made my spine tickle
Chat:I will always protect u princess he whispered* and that's the last thing I herd before it turned dark..........((I hope u enjoy part of my series tell me what u think of it so long bye 💖))

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