Meeting The Successor: Chapter 3

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I have no excuse for this late chapter. I am sorry for this please forgive me. Also thank you guys for the support we broke over 500 reads!!!. Thank you so much. Well that is all let us go in the story.


<Narrator Pov>

It is 6:30 in the afternoon when we see Izuku getting ready to meet the successor of One for All. As Izuku was getting ready he heard an explosion. Izuku went to the window and looked outside only to see blue flames everywhere. He immediately went outside to help. As he was heading towards the attack He heard a person screaming for help. Izuku went to the civilian and ask what happened. 

Izuku: Sir what happened

Civilian: I don't know how it caught fire but there are people trapped in this building, please help

Izuku: Don't worry I will help 

Izuku ran towards the building. Izuku looked around on the first floor but saw nothing. He went floor by floor until he reached the 5th floor. When he entered it there were people in the corners trying to get away from the blue flames. Izuku thought of something to do to stop the flames. He came up with an idea that could be risky. Izuku put his hands in a cross and swiped them. The wind from the move extinguishes the fire. Izuku went to the people and started to stack them on his back. He turned around and started to run to the exit. Just as he was about to reach it the exit way caught fire. Izuku turned around and looked all around the room for any other exit. He could not find anything but he did find a huge window.


Everybody: WAIT NOOOO

Izuku ran straight into the window and broke right through it. As he was falling he looked back at the building. His eyes widen when he saw a man with purple skin with blue fire coming out of his hands. Izuku turned back around quickly and landed on his feet. Izuku put the people down and quickly left to meet with All Might. As Izuku was running he was remembering what he saw while falling. 

' Who was that guy ' Izuku thought.

All Might: Young Midoriya!!!

Izuku: All Might sorry if I am late I had to do something

All Might: I saw what you did Young Midoriya and I would normally smack some sense into you but all you did was help people so I guess I will let this one slide.

Izuku: Thanks but let hurry up to meet her

All Might: Oh yeah almost forgot about that

Izuku and All Might ran to go meet the successor. As they were running Izuku felt a huge amount of bloodlust coming from an alleyway they passed. Izuku told All Might to go ahead and that he will catch up to him. All Might agreed and took off. Izuku went back to the alleyway and right as he turned the bloodlust got stronger. Izuku had his guard up the entire time just so he won't get attacked. As he went deeper he started to see something or someone. Izuku ran straight in but he instantly regretted it. Izuku looked down and saw a dead body covered in blood, slashes, and tears. ( 84%). As he was looking at the body a random person attacked him. Izuku noticed this and immediately dodged the attack. He turned back to see the person who attacked him. It was dark so all he couldn't see much but he could pick out a few details. Izuku started to speak to the unknown person.

Izuku: Who are you and what do you want?

???: Well the name is Himiko Toga

With the voice, Izuku knew the person was a girl.

Toga: and what I want is YOUR BLOOD!!!!

Izuku immediately turned around and ran out of the alleyway. Izuku knew he could take the girl out but he does not have a license. As he was running he noticed the bloodlust starting to disappear. He was relieved that he escaped her. Izuku suddenly remembered what he was supposed to do before he had encountered with Toga.

'Dang it, I forgot hopefully I am not late': Izuku thought.

< All Might POV >

'Where is that kid' I thought.

I sighed as to go on ahead and just meet the successor. I went up to the door and knocked. Just as the door opened I heard Izuku call me.

< Narrator POV >

Izuku ran up to the door lighting fast hoping he was not late. Izuku was right next to All Might when the door opened fully. Izuku was dumbfounded when he saw the girl standing right in front of him. The girl had brown bobbed hair and brown eyes. On each side of her cheek was a light round blush. She was around 5,1/2 in height. Izuku started to blush at the sight. He kept starting until All Might hit him on the head.

All Might: Get hold of yourself

Izuku: a-ah s-sorry for s-staring

???: It is f-fine so what bring you g-guys here especially All Might

All Might: We need to talk about something so can we talk inside

???: Uhh sure 

Izuku and All Might entered the apartment. The girl told them to sit down on the couch. Izuku was having a hard time trying to comprehend what happened. The girl came back with tea and sat down right in front of us.

All Might: So may I get your name

???: Oh I forgot to introduce myself, The name is Ochaco Uraraka

Uraraka: what is yours

She said while pointing at Izuku

Izuku: Izuku Midoriya

All Might: Alright since the introductions are done let us get straight into the point, Ochaco Uraraka you have shown heroic actions over and over again. I am currently getting weaker and I need to find a successor for my quirk, One for All. Will you accept it.

Ochaco: Ummm this is a lot to take in but I accept your offer.

All Might: Ok this is perfect now we will start training you so your body can get used to the quirk.

Izuku: And since All Might is always busy I will be in charge of your training

Ochaco: I forgot to ask but what is your quirk

Izuku: I don't have one

Ochaco: REALLY!!!!

Izuku: Yup 

All Might: He might be quirkless but he is stronger than 70% of all heroes and he is still to reach his max potential

Ochaco: Jeez you're that strong

Izuku: Yea but I only became strong after years of hard work and dedication

Ochaco: Wow that is cool

All Might: Back to the main point, Ochaco meet Izuku at Zenpachi Beach that is where your train will take place during the ten months

Izuku: And I won't go easy on you these 10 months will be hell

Ochaco: Ok I am ready


I have no exuses. I am really sorry for this late chapter please foorgive me. By the way thank you guys for 500 views. I started this story on a whim but you guys help this story grow an I am thankfull. The next chapter will be about the 10 months before UA. This chapter might be a two peice or not depends on what I do. Well that is all see you guys in the next chapter.

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