USJ: Chapter 10

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I'm back with another chapter and there might be confusion as to why for some characters I use their first name and it's my way of remembering the character so yeah. Now let's get right into the chapter.

P.S. the pics and characters don't belong to me. 


"Ok class today we have special training for heroics," said Mr. Aizawa

Suddenly the whole class burst out.

"This is going to be great!" exclaimed Mina

"We finally have heroic training," said Kirishima

"Let me finish what I was going to say," said Mr. Aizawa " The training you are going to do is rescue training and it will take place at a different facility on campus so get ready and meet me at the front of the school" "Also you can wear your gym clothes or your hero costumes but keep in mind that your still not used to them so it could hold you back" 

After Mr. Aizawa was done talking everybody got up and some got their hero costumes.

<Time Skip to the bus>

"Oh hey Deku," said Uraraka "Why are you in your gym clothes?"

"Well my Hero suit was demolished after the training" chuckled Midoriya


"He sure is kicking it into high gear huh?" exclaimed Midoriya 

"Yeah" agreed Uraraka

The students started to enter the bus only to find out that it was not the same as the class president thought. 

"If I had known how the bus looked like in the inside I would have adjusted the seating order," said Iida

The students chuckled and engaged in their own conversations.

"Man, all you guys have cool flashy quirks all my quirk does is harden my body," said Kirishima

"I don't think so," said Midoriya "Your quirk is really strong and just imagine all the possibilities you can use it for"

"You really think so," said Kirishima

"If we are on the topics of quirks then I have to ask, What is your quirk Midoriya?" question Asui

Uraraka looked over from her conversation with Momo and listened. Bakugo also perked up a bit as he as well was curious.

"Umm, I..." Midoriya was cut off by the teacher saying they reached their destination.

'That was close' thought Midoriya 'sooner or later I have to tell them'

The bus suddenly stops and Midoriya snaps back to reality.

"We arrived," said the driver 

As the students exit the bus they looked up they see a Large Dome building with a blue entrance. As they walk inside they see many different types of environments ranging from mountains to a water park. 

As the students were admiring the place a pro hero with a costume that consists of a white spacesuit design using what appears to be a puffy jacket instead of an actual suit, a black helmet with white eyes, and a pair of yellow boots.

"Hello I am Thirteen" the hero exclaimed "and behind me, you will see a facility that I have created for rescue training and its call the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or USJ for short"

Once hearing this the students thought collectively 'just like Universal Studios Japan'.

"Ok so before we begin I want to say 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 things" 

All the students had a deadpanned expression.

"Ok so you know my quirk call black hole," said Thirteen "even though it is helpful for rescuing it could also easily kill people so while doing this training think about how your quirks are and what you can do to adjust them to a certain situation" 

13 was about to continue until all the lights went out. All the students and the teachers were all confused. Kirishima then pointed out a weird black smoke coming from the center of the USJ. People started to walk out of the black gas and they spread out. Once all the people came out a man with hands grabbing onto his limbs with a hand covering his face and his hair looked flushed out came out and next to him was a huge buff black monster with muscles that can rival All Mights. 

"This is weird, the schedule said All Might should be present," said the purple gas.

The students look on as the teachers get in a fighting position

"That's unfortunate, even though we brought along some friends looks like we have to kill some kids to get him over here," said the guy with a hand fetish

"Stay back these are villains," said Mr. Aizawa "13 get the kids out of here"

All the students were in fear as to what they were seeing

"Mr. Aizawa can you hold them off," questioned Midoriya

"I'm a hero Midoriya, not a one-trick pony," said Mr. Aizawa as he jumped from the stairs to the battlefield

"Looks like somebody wants to die," said the Hand Fetish villain

"He won't get past us," said a random villain

As Aizawa was in the air his hair began to rise.

"ATTACK!!!" said a villain

The villains charged up their attacks but nothing came of it.

"h-huh my quirk i-its not activating," said a villain with dreads

"mine too...wait is this guy Eraser head?" said a villain with holes in his fingers 

"Who?" said another

"His quirk can temporarily cancel out other quirks" responded the villain

"That is to op for us," added another

Mr. Aizawa proceeded to kick the villain that was closest to him and wrap his scarf on the enemy next to him. He threw the enemy in the scarf at another and knocked them out. 

" While your quirk erases emitter and transformation quirks it shouldn't work on mutant types," said an alien-looking villain

"That is true but most mutant quirks users only rely on strength not on technique so you guys are easy to topple down" responded Aizawa

The villain threw on an onslaught of punches but Aizawa dodged them all and knocked him down. The villain got up and threw a punch but Aizawa saw it coming. He wrapped his scarf all around his body and threw him around and hit oncoming villains. 

<Moving to Midoriya and his group>

Asui jumped onto the boat with Midoriya and Mineta in hand. Mineta, like the pervert he is, rubs his face on the side of Asui's breast. She reacted by throwing Mineta onto the ship and gently put down and unconscious Midoriya. The moment he was layed down he woke up.

"Where are we?" he asked

"It seems like we were teleported to the water area." said Asui

As all of them were trying to figure out what happened the shipped rocked side to side.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" shouted Mineta

They look over the edge and saw a shark looking villain. As soon as they were going to back up more arrived.

"This is not good," proclaimed Asui.

To Be Continued...


So ummm yea...

This took longer than expected. I just lost all motavation to write.

See yea next time.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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