Chapter 5- Ride home

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Rosalies pov

My 7th period was over. I grabbed my stuff from science class and left. I started walking out. Alex catching up to me. "Hey, Rose, wait!" He shouted. I turned around. "Oh hey Alex, what's up?" I asked. "Walking home?" He asked with his hands in his pockets. "Umm....yeah, why?" I asked. "I could walk with you." He said. "No, that's okay. My house is not that far." I said "no, I insist." He says. "Alex seriously it's okay." I said.

"But I want to walk with you. I want to make sure your safe" he says. He was so cute saying that. But I just dont want my dad talking to me and asking questions about him when he drops me off. I know why cant my dad pick me up when hes at the house. Well, you see he works at home, so hes busy.

"Alex my house is not that far." I said walking away. Alex right behind me. I sighed. "Alex." I said. He sighed and shooked his head "fine." I walked away when someone came up behind me. "Alex, I told you." I said turning around, but it wasnt alex, it was Triston." Oh." I said. "Hey, nerd. Wanna ride?" He asked. I shooked my head no. "Come on. Let's go." He said. I shooked my head again. "Now." He said. "No, why cant you understand that." I said walking away.

"Because no one says no to me." He says. "Well they should." I said. "Get in the fucking car." He said. I was a little scares about what he said but I went in his truck and we left.

We were driving, 4 blocks away from my house. "You know, you should really learn how to accept stuff." He said. I looked at him "what?" I asked. "When someone asks you something, just say yes." He said. "But it's my choice." I said. "Not if you want to be kidnapped or hurt." He said. "I can take care of myself." I said holding my arms with each other.

"No you cant, your just a nerd." He said. "Stop calling me that, okay?" I asked him. "Fine, but it's hard since the way you dress or look." He said not once looking at me. "And your pretty like that. Your you." He said. I looked at him and smiled a small smiled and blushed.

He finally took his eyes of the road and looked at me. He chuckled "did I make the nerd blush?" He asked. I looked at him "no." I said covering my cheeks. "Then, why are you covering your cheeks?" He asked smirking. Uggh, that damn smirk. I just wanna wipe it off his face. "Nothing." I said.

We arrived at my house a little later. I got down "thanks." I said. He nodded, I went inside. He didnt go yet. He made sure I went inside. I walked inside and went to my dad's office in the house. He wants to be with us all the time. Than coming back and forth. So he decided to build an office in our house.

"Hola dad." I knocked on the door." Hola flower, I have a question." He asked not taking his eyes of his computer. "Yeah, what is it?" I asked. "Who was that boy?" He asked looking up from his computer. Shit, I knew it. I knew he would look out once in a while to see if I'm close to the house. "Just a friend papa." I said.

"Just a friend flower, nothing more." He said. "I'll make sure papa." I said closing the door behind me.

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