Chapter 11- Party Time

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Rosalies pov

We arrived at the party at 6 because we had to get some stuff for the party. Tristons friend Kieth was throwing it.

We walked in and there were people making out, somebody half naked, people playing a game in the kitchen, and some other people playing spin the bottle or 7 minutes on heaven.

I walked in with Triston. "Huve me your hand!" He shouted over the loud music. I grabbed his hand and we made our way through the crowd, I was blushing because of how his hand was warm in mine.

We made it to the kitchen where they were playing this game where you throw this ping pong ball into a cup. I watched how they were playing. "Here." Triston said giving me a cup. I took it and smelled it. I shrugged, first time for everything.

I drank it and man that was some strong punch. "What's in it?" I asked. "Vodka." He said. "Who put it in here?" I asked. "Think, Calvin, he usually puts beer in his drink." He said.

Calvin Johnson was a football player. He was a popular jock and he is an all star, I never talked to him because well i couldnt. I was a nerd of course and I still am

I was busy watching when someone came up to me. It was Calvin. "Hey....." he said trying to remember my name. "Rosalie." I said rolling my eyes. "Rosalie." He chuckling. "Are you enjoying." He asked drinking his drink. "Not exactly." I said. "Oh. Well who brought you here?" I asked. "Triston." I said. He widened his eyes. "Triston, as in Triston Kinglsey the bad boy and player?" He questioned. I nodded slowly.

"Why?" He asked. "Because he invited me." I said slowly. "Does he make you feel good?" He said walking closer to me. I put my drink down and walked back."what?" I asked. "Does he make you feel good?" He asked again. I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know." I said again. I kept walking back until I hit the wall. His hand was at the side of my head.

"You do know." He said. "I dont." I said. He kept coming closer until his face was close to mine. We were leaning in until someone pulled him back. "Watch it!" They yelled. I looked and it was Triston. "What was I doing man?" Calvin said. "You know what you were fucking doing Calvin." Triston said.

The music stopped and everybody was looking at us. "Stay away from her and me. Got it?!" Triston said walking out the door with me holding his hand.

We left the party and we didnt say anything for th rest of the night and that was good, I didn't want to talk to him tonight right now.

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