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Being whisked away wasn't something your lover typically did.

He was a focused man, was a straight forward type as well. Though, with all the hard work that's been going into his plans he realized you deserved something. You'd spent plenty of your own time helping his cause and then some to tie up loose ends when the children were less than satisfactory.

Of course you were oblivious to the treat that was to come. Though, when he had asked for you to join him for a small expedition your suspicions rose.

The ride through the stars was quick. You couldn't help but notice it was a different path than any other way you'd gone before.

The host planet empty but beautiful in a barren way. From a ways off you could see the yellows and oranges that made up the lands and the greens of plant life. Some blue areas where a few lakes or oceans were.

Nothing seemed exceptionally special about it. Most planets had been either completely barren or lively like this one. There didn't seem to be any threat on this planet. Nothing that would make it necessary for Thanos to come along for a said expedition.

"What are we looking for?" You asked watching as the two of you entered the atmosphere. Taking in the rock and hills that made up most of the lands of the planet as the two of you slowly descended the pod down to land.

"Something we haven't been able to attain." His baritone voice held something more though. You glanced up at him wondering what he was planning.

"This way." His voice smooth still. You followed closely around the curve of the rocks but felt the ground get softer under your boots. Recently wet sand perhaps?

Looking up, Thanos stepped to the side holding some brush back to reveal a natural hot spring. He looked at you waiting a response.

You looked from him to the spring. You couldn't help the ache you felt in your muscles. The lazy grin on your lips and relaxes look in your eyes spoke more than words could.

"You could have told me, I would have brought something else to get into." Your words were softer. Your body even relaxed more.

"This planet is young. Water's clean, lands uninhabited. Could make a nice escape." He says as he removed his helmet. A smirk now on your lips as you see what his ploy was.

"You took me a long ways to see me bare." You confidently removed your armor from your body. Thanos had seen and felt your body multiple times before.
There wasn't childish feelings of timidness between the two of you. Especially at a time like this.

Being nude first, you experimentally came up to the water and let your foot glide into it feeling the warmth of the water. A small sigh escaping your lips. You settled yourself down into the water and watched him also enter the hot spring.
It was fairly deep in the center but off by the side, there were a few softer boulders underneath the water. The two of you settled there, watching the beauty of the silent planet.

"I didn't know this existed. What's it called?" You asks looking around it all again. It felt mystical in a young sense.

"I've been calling it Titan Two." He looked toward the setting sun. Though you chuckled at the name, causing him to turn and look at you with his seemingly tired eyes.

You pulled yourself over his lap and rested your hands on his chest. His hands holding your hips.

"What about The Garden?" You suggested.

The Garden (Thanos x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now