Chapter 10

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        I woke up with my eyes a bit heavy. Jameson has disappered and I didn't know if that was a good thing or bad thing. While I was thinking Peni barged into my room. 

"Oh Belle, I am so sorry," she said before she handed me a letter. I started to panic on the inside.


         Grace is really sick. The doctors say she has pneumonia. Sadly she isn't getting better. They say her immune system is shutting down and fast. She said that she doesn't want to die in an hospital, so she's at home. Dad is going crazy. He already lost you and mom and he is going to lose Grace soon. I think he still cares about us as sick and twisted as that might sound, he does. Anyway, Grace wants to see you before she (as she puts it) joins mom. See if that girl, Peni, will help you escape for a night. 

                                                                                                             With much love,


        I started to cry. My sister is dying. I can't lose her. Peni came up to me and started to comfort me and it didn't work one bit.

"You should tell Jameson," she suggested.

"No that'll get you in trouble. I can't do that to you," I said.

"I can do that for you," 


"Because, believe it or not you're like my best friend,"

"You are my best friend,"  Peni pulled me into a tight embrace for about three minutes then we pulled away.

"I'm going to leave now," I said.

"You can't, " Peni said.

"I'll be back, just stall Jameson,  please I need to see Grace," I pleaded. 

"Fine," she sighed , " Just hurry back,  okay."

"Okay I promise, " and with that I grabbed a jacket and boots and headed out through the woods.  I didn't think Jameson would find me there.

   It was beginning to get dark and the sun was setting which was just great.  Good thing I have good vision in the night or I would be screwed. I walked on an path I found after about 10 minutes and I started wondering how Peni was stalling Jameson.

   I walked by this rose bush with the most magnificent sent. I picked a flower and continued on. I started counting by 2's as it was getting dark, smelling the rose for comfort.  Surprisingly it worked.

   About 20 minutes later of counting by 2's and smelling the rose I heard rustling. I stopped in my tracks and looked around.  I saw something in the brush. It could've been a rabbit or a lion from Africa. I didn't care. I bolted as fast as I could trying out run the creature.

   It started to run after me it was gaining on me. I stopped by a tree backing up on it ready to face the beast. It was a huge wolf. About two times bigger than the average wolf. It had dark brown fur and white tips on it's ears and tail. It's eyes were pitch black, showing all evil. It was slowly inching towards me. I waited there welcoming death. I was going to be with my mother again. Then it leaped towards me and, ironically,  my life flashed before my eyes.

   All of a sudden another wolf came out and blocked the brown wolf. This wolf was bigger than the brown wolf. It was black and white with pale blue eyes. Just beautiful and for some strange reason I knew it wouldn't hurt me.

   They battled. Wrestling on the floor trying to bit each others neck.  The brown one bit the black ones leg and the black wolf cowered down. The brown one looked at the white one with a smirk on his face. A smirk? If that wasn't one of the weirdest thing ever I don't know what is.

    The brown one inched to the black one opening his jaw to kill him but the black one comes up fast and bites him in the neck instantly killing the brown wolf. The black wolf looked at me and glared. He started to come towards me. I shrunk back and stared at him. He obviously saw that and frowned. He frowned! I looked at him curiously.  Then he did the unthinkable.  He turned into Jameson.  A very naked Jameson.


   Sorry that this chapter is also short but I uploaded early!  Yay! So I am going to Santa Cruz for the weekend, so I am not going to school tomorrow.  Yay! Oh it's time for a fun fact about me.  I am actually very violent.  It's really sad and I am working on it.  Yeah.  Also, sorry for the spelling errors. I did it on my phone so it auto correct might have changed a few words. What do you think Belle's reaction to Jameson being an werewolf be? Good?  Bad? Idk. Have a nice day or good night. Byeeeeee.


Edited 10-25-15 4:57 pm

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