Peter Barkley

57 14 9

"Oh my god, please don't kill me, I'm too young to die!"

"Shut the fuck up, bitch, or I might just try.

I'm not in the mood for killing you just yet.
First, let me introduce myself since we just met.

Hi, I'm Peter Barkley, a mass murderer on a killing spree.
So far I've got myself a score of one hundred and thirty three.

You won't be able to escape, so don't bother trying.
I don't like noise so you better not start crying.

Now, all I want to do is have a little fun.
I could slowly cut your legs off so that you can't run.

Or I maybe I can start by plucking your eyes out.
Or stitching up your lips so that you can't shout.

Ah, this is so fun for me, but probably not for you.
Torturing people just gives me something to do."

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