~ Thirteenth Chapter ~

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Rowen opened her eyes and stared at the white ceiling. She frowned and looked around the room. This was not her room. How did she get here? Where is she? The room was beautifully decorated. Simple and yet beautiful. She got up from a large double bed with a silk blanket. She wore a black lacy nightgown that reached down to her knees.

"Where am I?" she muttered softly.

She looked outward. The courtyard was decorated with all kinds of sculptures and fountains. She turned to the wall where the mirror was. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw that her eyes were no longer green. They were bloody red. She approached the mirror and looked well in her reflection. She raised her lips slightly. The canines were twice as big.

"Oh, the sleeping beauty woke up!" she heard someone's happy voice.

Rowen turned to now wide open door. At the entrance stood golden-haired man with glasses and a scarf. Rowen narrowed her eyes looking at the newcomer. He looked familiar to her. Where did she see him before? She knew him from somewhere, but she could not remember from where... Taiga entered into the room next to him and slammed him on the back of his head.

"Calm down, Hyde." she said quietly and turned to Rowen. "Morning."

"M-Morning..." muttered Rowen, then looked back at the mirror. "What..."

"This beautiful girl made you her Subclass!" exclaimed Hyde coming into the room. "How generous of her..."

"Subclass?" shocked said Rowen. "Why..."

She stopped when her memories came back from yesterday. She was stabbed and beaten by two vampires. Before she fell unconscious, she remembered she had swallowed some sweet liquid. Taiga's blood...

"And she remembered everything that happened." Hyde smiled. "One big step forward."

"Will I have to drink blood?" Rowen asked.

"No. Those are the stories for little kids, but you can do it if you want. Usually Subclasses mostly eat normal food." Taiga said, crossing her arms. "I'm sorry, but this was the only way..."

"It's okay..." smiled Rowen and her eyes went to the mirror.

"Oh, she's cute!" exclaimed Hyde on what he got a blow to the stomach.

"This idiot is Servamp of Greed, Lawless, or Hyde for now." she said, pointing to his necklace. "Hyde, this is Rowen, Leah's sister."

"Nice to meet you, my lady." Hyde said, bowing.

Suddenly, he rolled forward and ran to the wall next to Rowen. He rose to rub his back that hit the wall.

"Oi, you should be gentle to your Servamp, Licht-tan!" whined Hyde.

"Here you are, hedgehog." said Licht, entering the room. "We have to go. Come on! Get up."

"You could have said that without hitting me!" Hyde said, puffing his cheeks.

"This is more fun." Licht said, and looked at Rowen. "Congratulations to the new Subclass. Rowen, right?"

"Yes..." she murmured with a gentle smile on her face.

"Well, nice to meet you. I am Licht, Eve of Servamp of Greed." he nodded toward Hyde. "Come on, hedgehog."

"Okay, okay, do not push me, idiot!" he yelled.

He looked toward Rowen and gave her his broad smile. He sent her a kiss before he turned into a small hedgehog.

"We'll see again, my lady."

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