~ Twenty Second Chapter ~

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Arrival to the hotel lasted half an hour. Organization C3 evacuated all the people who were staying at the hotel. Now the hotel contained only vampires that were divided into four floors.

Servamps and Eves were divided into four groups. The first group contained Tsubaki, Sakuya, Gluttony and Wrath. Their goal was the first floor. The second group consisted of Tetsu, Hugh, Misono and Lily, and occupied the third floor. The third group was Mikuni, Jeje, Licht, Hyde and Rowen, and their goal was the fourth floor. The last group was made of Kuro, Mahiru, Taiga and Leah, they went to the last, eighth floor.

"This is our destination." Wrath said quietly, stopping with the rest of her group.

"We continue." Hyde said. "Good luck."

"Thanks, you too." replied Gluttony.

When the others left, they took a deep breath and stepped into the hallway on the first floor. Gluttony and Wrath were preparing to attack each moment while Sakuya and Tsubaki watched the room carefully.

"Where are they?" Wrath asked quietly.

"I do not know... But when I see them, I'll break their heads." Gluttony said with an evil grin. "Then take their money to buy food."

"Tch... What else could I expect from you?" Wrath murmured.

They stopped in an extended part of the corridor near the stairs. Steps were heard, but there was no one behind them. Wrath tilted her head toward the sound. Still, the corridor was empty. When they turned back to the stairs, three vampires jumped in front of them. They were redhead, blackhead and blonde.

"Well, let the fun begin!" grinned Tsubaki taking out his katana.

Three Servamps jumped to the vampires as Sakuya supported them in the attacks.

"Soon we are there." said Misono, running up the stairs with a pink-black butterfly on the shoulder.

When they saw the sign for the third floor on the wall, the others continued, and the other four stopped. They waved them with an encouraging smile and disappeared at the corner. Tetsu carried a bat on his shoulder and followed Misono through the long hallway.

"They're here, brother." they heard someone's voice.

They stopped and turned to the source of the voice. Two vampires with dark short hair stood in front of them. One looked younger, as if he was thirteen, while the other looked like eighteen.

"Lily!" exclaimed Misono, holding out his hand.

The butterfly landed on his arm. It slowly turned into a human form. Lily licked the remainder of the blood from the mouth and straightened. His big, pink-black scythe was created in his hand. There was a pink-black chain around his neck, connecting him together with Misono.

"Hugh." Tetsu said.

On his hand landed bat which gradually turned into a little boy. Dark blue - black chains appeared in the air linking Servamp and Eve. There was a large black coffin in the air that Tetsu easily caught. He put it with a loud bang on the floor behind Hugh and leaned on it.

"Uh!" exclaimed excitedly younger. "Pride Team is mine!"

"Whatever..." murmured older one, and jumped in front of Misono and Lily.

Misono clicked his teeth. The younger vampire grinned and stretched out his hand. In his hands appeared a spear of the same color as Hugh's chains. He placed it in front of him with a grin on his face.

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