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Alexis P.O.V:
Walking home from school is a piss take all because mum 'couldn't' pick me up from school today. More like wouldn't. At least getting to walk home gives me the opportunity to have a quick fag. I pull out the sacred cardboard package of my favourite fags richmond superkings. I pull one out and place it between my lips then reach for my lighter. I light the cancer stick laying between my lips and take a Long drag. I take it back and then exhale enjoying the peaceful moment I have and almost feel all my previous stress release from my body.

I continue to smoke the fag while I walk home finishing and stomping it out 2 streets from my house. Once I got to the front of my house I spray myself with Victoria secret spray and put a piece of spidge in my mouth. I open the door to my house and slam it loudly to let everyone know I was home.

"Going to get ready, then I'm going to walk to faiths house because I'm staying the night" I shout through the house to anyone who's listening.

But just as I finish my sentence my mum walks into the living room. "Lex I told you last night that you can't go out tonight because Demi's home" she replies quite sternly.

"I thought you were joking" I snap back storming up to my bedroom and throwing my bag on my bed.

You see I wasn't lying when I said that I generally thought she was joking. I haven't seen Demi since she was in hospital for her relapse in June. My mum would encourage me to visit her but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Me and Demi hadn't been on good terms before she relapsed. Don't get me wrong she's my sister and I love her but I just feel so guilty about what happened.

Flash back : One week before Demi's relapse.

Me and Demi had been arguing a lot lately over stupid little things. It was just as if our personalities clashed too much. I wanted to fix things so I went to speak to her. It ended in another argument.

"Shut up Demi you gimp. It's not my fault your being so Bitchy all the time. Sort your self out your own way. This arguing isn't my fucking fault. I don't care how you fix it just fit it. For fucks sake man. You were better when you were filling your body with coke" I screamed into my older sisters face.

She broke down right in front of me crying apologising over and over again. But I don't feel bad about it. In fact I don't feel anything at all. All I felt was numb as I left my broken older sister crying on her bedroom floor.

End of flashback.

Now I feel so guilty about it. All this was my fucking fault. The family never found out about that argument. I don't understand why Demi didn't just tell them.

I was snapped out of my daze by Maddie coming into my room. "Mum says to come downstairs dinners ready" she says gently while staring at me.

"Okay" I mumble while getting up off of my floor and following her downstairs.

This family dinner should be fun.

I followed maddie into the kitchen an took my usual seat next to her. As I looked up I met Demi's eyes I immediately looked away while rolling my eyes. Of corse she had to be sat across from me.

I zoned out of the conversation and absentmindedly chewed on the food that was put in-front of me. That was until Demi said my name. I instantly choked on my food from being startled. I looked at her like a deer in headlights, trying to indicate that I had no idea why she was saying my name.

"I asked you why you stopped running track and cross country" she smirked at me. Yes I used to be a runner a pretty dang good one at that. But I quit.

"Ermmmm I don't know just got boring I guess and didn't leave me with anytime to do other things" I replied feeling uneasy with the question. All mum and dad ever do is push me to start running again and judge my choices.

"More like you stopped running to hang out with you delinquent friends and stop out every Friday" maddie interjected quite smugly.

"Shut the fuck up you arsehole you don't know anything about my friends" I snapped back. I'd just been pushed over the edge no one chats shit about the people I love and maddie knows this. All I could see was red it was like the anger consumed me.

"Alexis you do not speak to you sister like that especially while we sit as a family eating dinner" my dad said to me calmly but sternly.

"Fuck you dad" I laughed now finding the situation immensely funny as I looked around at the shocked faces of all my family.

I stood up from the table and pushed my chair in as I bowed. "See you guys tomorrow I'm going to sleep" I announced as I trudged up the stairs to my bedroom.

Damn a having a phat Zoot would be fun right now.

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