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Alexis's P.O.V
My eyes automatically locked with Demi's. "what the fuck are you doing up so late" she hissed at me.

She was so angry you could practically see the steam coming out of her ears. I glanced up at the clock on the wall to check what the big deal was. It was 4:02 am guess I really must have zoned out on the roof.

That's something I seem to be doing a lot as well recently. Zoning out that is.

Quickly thinking of my reply I quipped back "dunno just couldn't sleep so I came to eat an apple". I held my apple up for them to look at to emphasise my point.

Maddison and Dallas just groaned while Demi rose an eyebrow at me as if to say 'what the fuck just go to sleep'.

"Hey Mads, Dal just go back to bed I'll sort this out" Demi says quietly. Seems like she's calmed down.

But oh no just as I thought that she throws a glare my way. I just roll my eyes back at her what's she going to do chloroform me.

Maddison and Dallas just respond with a chorus of 'thank yous' before trudging back upstairs.

In one movement Demi turns around and grabs my slender wrists in her abnormally cold hand and drags me to the settee. I flop back on the settee and return my gaze to her waiting to hear my big sister speak.

"So why aren't you asleep. It's just me and you remember anything you say doesn't leave this room" Dems says calmly looking desperately into my eyes while squeezing my hand reassuringly,

I huff not really sure if the answer my self. Before mumbling "Dunno I'm a teenager and have a fucked up sleeping pattern and that. I sleep in the day and stay up all night". Yes it was sugar coated a bit but I just didn't want Demi to worry.

"Lex I know that being a teenager is hard but you need to get some sleep. I mean are you even tired right now?" Demi's eyebrow quirked up in question as she questioned my honesty.

"Not really but I'm going to go to faiths during the day where I'll have a nap before I stop at hers"

Demi's face scrunched up as soon as I mentioned going to faiths. What was her damn problem. "Your going to your friends later and stopping the night. I thought we could spend the day together cause I barley got to see you earlier." Demi's voice was full of hurt and I immediately felt bad.

I sighed out "it's a Saturday Dems of course I'm going out and having a sleepover. I would have yesterday as well if you haven't have come home. How about we do something Sunday?".

"Okay but no bailing on me and you have to go to bed for at least 4 hours before you go to your friends okay?"

"Aye aye captain" I joked as I shot demi a lopsided smirk.

We both made our way to upstairs and to our bedrooms in a comfortable silence. I didn't want to admit this to her but I kind of enjoyed having Demi back.
I did get some sleep to be honest. I got three hours of sleep before I got out of bed ready for the day me and faith had planned ahead of me.

Yawning as I stumbled out of my bedroom I ran into Dallas. That's a question. Why the fuck is everyone including my two fully grown sisters at the house? "Morning lex" Dallas said in a o so cheery morning voice.

I mumbled back a pleasant "Morning retard".

And that was mine and Dallas chat for the morning. I slid down the stairs banister and jumped over the back of the settee. Flopping down next to my mother.
"Morning mother dearest" I attempted to initiate a conversation. However my mum just sent me a pointed look knowing that I wanted something.

"Can I stay at faiths tonight"

I just got a sigh then what seemed like an hour long pause. "If you must. What time are you going over for?"


I glanced at the clock and it was now 10:28am if I get to faiths for 15:00 then that gives me like two hours to get ready at hers before we go out. "Thank you mummy and I'm going round to hers for 15:00".

"Okay do you need a lift" asked my mum.

"Nah I'll walk it's only like a fifteen minute walk if that" I replied rather firmly agitated with the amount of questions.

I think my mum caught onto the tone of voice I was using "Okay that's fine remember to spend some time with Demi today she's really missed you". Ugh I'm so fed up of Demi this Demi that. She is literally living in the house with me right now.

"Yeah whatever" I pulled my self off of the settee and made my way to Demi's room. If my mum wanted me to spend time with my dear sister then that's what's going to happen. That is until I leave to go to faiths house.

"Demi oh Demi" I sang as I sat on her bed. She looked over at me and smiled that stupid smile. "I have come to spend time with my lovely sister until I go to faiths house" I carried on the conversation.

"Want to binge watch scary movies?" Demi proposed the idea. I just simply nodded and grinned while she set the tv up.
We finished watching movies at about 14:00. That gave me an hour to pack my shit before I went to faiths. I opened up my Nike back pack and put the clothes I planned on wearing tonight in, a baggy hoodie to sleep in after, other essentials and last but not least the little baggie of the slightly brownish in colour crystals. I didn't know what faith has lined up for the night but I wanted to be prepared. Just in case yano.

It was about 2:30 and I made my way downstairs to make some food. Shocker right bet you was expecting an eating disorder right? Wrong in NO way was I like Demi.

When I got to the kitchen Maddie was prancing around and being annoying as per usual. Everyone in this house is so annoying man.
"So what are you and faith doing tonight then" she asked in an accusing tone. You see Maddie didn't like my friends. She thought they were too old for me and bad influences. Maddie doesn't know shit. "Non of your fucking business is it" I snapped back before I finally left the kitchen having ate a plate of chips.

I went upstairs frustrated and slammed my door shut. I just started crying and I don't even know why. I pulled the other baggie from my draw out. This one filled with white powder. I stopped myself crying and picked up my keys. I sniffed two keys of the coke then hid it again. I passed my mirror and when I say myself I had zero control I swung for the mirror hitting it with full force it shattered to the ground and my hand was cut. I heard my mum shout upstairs asking what the noise was. Shit. Shit. Shit. Think Alexis what do I say.
"I fell into the mirror I'm okay just cleaning it up now" I screamed backdown.

After I cleaned the mirror and my hand up I slung my bag over my shoulder and made my way downstairs. As I made my way out the door I sang a chorus of goodbyes. All I want is to get so fucked I can't fell anything anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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