Chapter one

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"Get up right now" a cold and sternly voice said, as he held me up by my collar. He threw me down, finally I could breathe again. "God damn it get up now you little piece of shit" he screamed at me.

"Im s-s-so-r-r-r-y I ca-n-n-n-t" I said. "I don't care that you can't, this just proves my point" he said. "What?" I look up confused as to what there was happening. I couldn't breath my hands started shaking and i couldn't stop it. He came up close to me and pinned me up on the wall. "Relax now darling, this is going to hurt just a tad bit" He said as he took his belt out and unbuckled his pants. That's when i realized what he wanted. "No pl-e-e-ase do-n-n-nt, i'll do anything please just let me g-" I got caught of by his hand covering my mouth. He leaned in and touched my breast, and whispered in my ear "You have a fantastic body, oh darling imagine all the things I could do to you" he said as he got inside me. "Please stop" I screamed.

I woke up drenched in sweat and, oh great I wet the bed. Again. I don't know why I keep having these nightmares, it happened 5 years ago I shouldn't be thinking about this, I should be over it. Im such a baby for thinking about this again.

You're so stupid

you're such a baby


I stood up in bed with my feet dangling over the bed frame. I stretched my back and my arms. I'm still shaking as if it happend all over again. I could feel his breath up against my ear. He started getting closer to me. I told him I haven't had my period yet, he just looked at me and laughed. Im shaking so much, I just want out. But there was no way out.

A little tear escaped my eye. Its okay you got this Emily. Get up and start your day, your going to be late if you dont get ready soon.

I felt something warm against my thigh, i turned around and looked at my bed. Ugh for christ sake, i need to wash this before anyone sees. I would get beat up so bad for this by Benjii he hated when I wet the bed because he would say that the whole house smells. Him and I were sleeping next to each other the first time I did it again in my teen years. He hated me ever since, not that he didn't hate me before that but.

I got up and cleaned myself, brushed my teeths and washed my face then I changed into a pair of blue mom jeans and my nationals dance hoodie, with my favorite white nike air forces. I just pulled my hair into a messy bun, and put a bit of concealer under my eyes and a bit of highlighter on my cheekbones and mascara on my eyelashes. Finally when I looked presentable I got my sheets and went down to the washroom hoping no one were up yet, I mean c'mon it's only 6:45 they are probably sleeping right now. I said to myself as I opened the door.

I realized someone were in there but it was dark and the light wasn't really that powerful. "Boo" A voice said. "Argh" I said as I jumped. "Chill its just me" A voice said, I still couldn't make out who it was, maybe because I weren't wearing my glasses darn it i'm so stupid. "Im sorry but I can't see who it is" I said nervously. "Are you really that blind wow" the voice replied in a degrading tone. "Im so-r-r-r-r-r-r-y I cou-d-d-dnt find my glasses anywhere" I said pretty scared right now. "Look what I found" He said as he gave me my glasses. "Thank you" I said as I put them on. Oh my god it couldn't of been any one else? Of course it's freaking Benjii. I pulled the sheets closer to me, and I guess he noticed. No no no this can't be happening right now. "What's wrong you dickhead?" Benjii said clearly annoyed. "Nothing, nothings wrong" I said coldly. "Really? then give me the sheets im washing mine to" he said with a smirk on his face. he knows. "No its okay I can do it after" I said nervously. "Its okay sis just give them to me" He said, and with each word he got closer to me. "please dont" I whispered out. He touched the sheets right in the middle, so he felt it. "You fucking baby" He said very angry. "I'm sorry please just let me go, it won't happen again. I screamed out. He took me by me colar, I instantly got a flash back to the nightmare

It will be alright, just relax darling

You're going to like it

Just relax

My eyes had been closed for a good 5 seconds. "Please don't do this, not now." I whined out in pain because he was holding my throat so tight. He just laughed at me and threw me on the ground "Please dont" I said crying my eyes out. He came over to me and bent down to grab my hair. "Your such a baby" He said laughing. I looked up at him confused. "What? I'm not gonna beat you up right before school" He said as he let go of my hair and went out the door. Well not before saying this "Oh yeah you need to stay to 4 o'clock because i'm your ride and i have football practice. You and I can have fun with the other guys" He said before he left. Oh great I have a scheduled beating with my brother and the football team.

I went up to my room to get my backpack and jacket and skateboard, maybe I could tell my parents that i'm gonna ride to school on my board then I won't have to wait on Benjii. Before I went out the door I saw my own reflection in mirror, my mascara was completely ruined. I fixed it as quick as I could. I need to go right now if I don't want to be late. As I ran out my room I stood into Stilles, he looked really weird, he had really red eyes and he smelt bad. "I'm sorry, is something wrong?" I said trying not to sound scared. "Get out of my way you shithead" he said as he pushed me to the side. Guess someone had a rough morning. I ran down the stairs and right into the kitchen to get some homework papers I had been working on yesternight. I should eat something but it can wait. Shit my parents are both here, I thought they went early to work today. Okay just say you really need to hurry.

"Good Morning sweetheart" my mom said as she hugged me. "Good Morning daughter of me" my dad said as he gave me a bro fist. "Good morning guys" I said as I let out a slight laugh. All my brothers sat over by the kitchen island. "So I have to go now if I want to make it in time, I'm on board I was planning on going to this new skatepark with my friend after school is that okay? I can just get home myself after" I said. "That's fine honey, go ahead have fun, goodbye love you!" Mom said. "Thanks and you guys too bye" I said as I left, yes I did it. I got out of the beating. I'm definitely still getting it at home. But at least the whole football team isn't going to be there. I put my headphones on and started listening to slow dancing in the dark, as I rode along to school. My first day of freshman year. 

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