Chapter five

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Hey! hey! We are here Emily." Daniel screamed at me. As I woke up i felt this stinging look that my brothers were giving me. My mom thought it would be fun if all my brothers came to support me. No mom, that isn't going to be fun for me I thought. "Hey dipshit, there is a costume thing in the back do you need it or nah?" Finn asked clearly annoyed that he have to be here. The competition starts at 10 pm. But I needed to come earlier because I won best female dance last year, so I have to be by the competition at 8 pm. so I can learn a opening dance and a solo from them. These dances are in the competition it's just a like warm up show. SO yeah, and it's a 3 hour drive, so you can guess how early we needed to get up and get ready and so on. I'm pretty sure they don't even know that im best female dance....
"Hello??" Finn said."Uh yeah i'm sorry I just blacked out. But yeah I need it thank you" I said as i went to grab it. I had all my other costumes in my big ass bag. As we went in through the doors my nerves really hit me. I got so nervous. "Hey so u-m-m Im just going to register, and say hello to people. So just wait here for a second." i said. "Whatever" Daniel said, not looking up from his phone.

I went over to the table and told them my name. "Hi, my name is Emily McCall, I'm here for the best female rehearsal, and the competition of course." I said.  "Hi sweetie, just one sec i'm just gonna search you up" She said back. After a few minutes she gave me a card to my hotel room and told me all the information I needed. I said thank you and left, right before i could get to far she yelled for me to come back. I turned back around. "Yes? I asked with a gigel. "I don't want to stress you but the put female best dancer rehearsal earlier, so it's not in 80 minutes, but in 15 minutes, so hurry up a sweetie." She said out of breath. Omg omg omg I needed to put my makeup on, and do my hair, get warmed up, prepare my pointe shoes and find my outfit in 15 minutes. I ran to my brothers as quick as I could. "GUYS listen to me. Okay so I need to get ready in 15 minutes but I thought I had 80 minutes so im kinda stressed right now. I have the card to the room so we are all gonna run to the room so i can start getting ready everyone got it?" I asked really fast. "No ac-". "Great lets go" I said as I cut them of. I ran as fast as I could with everything in my hands hoping my brothers were following.

As I reached the door I took the card out, but my hands were shaking so much because I got really stressed. My hands kept trembling. "Hey okay shush calm down, it's just a stupid dance competition" Finn said. "NOT HELPING GU-Y-Y-S" I let out. "For the love of god here let me do it" Ethan said. He took the card out of my hand and swiped it. And it unlocked. I rushed in while they guys just came chilling in. I started by getting my makeup on. And as I was stressing my brothers just sat in the 2 beds on their phones.

I really hurried but I got my hair and makeup done, it's just the normal dance competition makeup so like red lips, bronze eyeshadow, contour, highlight and lashes. And my hair was put in a bun. I got my favorite black leotard on and it appeared (in my fortune) that we have lyrical first, so I will have time to prep my pointe shoes at break. Lastly I took a Baby pink ballet skirt around me, and I got my team jacket and dance bag. "H-e-e-y um guys we need to go now there is only 8 minutes left till I have to be there" I said kinda out of breath because I was lowkey hyperventilating. "Okay lets go" Daniel said. As he got up and do that classic brother move, where he puts his hand in his pockets and looks down and up again. "Let's go" I said as I opened the door.

As we were walking over there my brothers were just talking and I was cracking my fingers because I always do that when I get nervous. In a mind of my own all of the sudden Stilles comes up to me. "Hey remember our deal? You still have that beating due" he whispered to me. "I know can we please do it at the end so I don't have to be bruised while dancing. Please" I say as I reach my destination and turn towards him. "Yeah sure thing I'm just gonna have more energy at night, so it's you choice baby girl. I got kinda scared and stepped back. He bent down to my level. "Hey hey I know your hella scared right now and I love it you are so weak it's so funny. Now go out their and be the awful embarrassing dancer that we all know you are, you talentless piece of shit" Stilles said as he got more angry at the end. I gave him a nod. "Hey so I'm gonna go now, just wait here there is gonna be some chairs soon. And after this there is a 10 minute break and then after that everyone goes into the theater and then the real competition starts" I explained to them. They looked kinda confused but they'll figure it out. "Great so bye" I said as I signed if and went to the rehearsals room to practice. 

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