Chapter nineteen

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As I woke up I feel the cold morning breeze fly over me. Yet another day. Yesterday was....just a littel mistake it's whatever.

I just layed in bed for a few minutes looking up at the celling thinking. It's 6:45 in the morning. I gotta get up soon so I can get ready for school.

What happend yesterday scared my soul, but it's fine I gotta keep on going I just gotta get over it it's fine. I'm sure I have a bright future ahead of me I just gotta get over this. But it really hurted me isn't this wrong? My brothers shouldn't treat me this way right? Isn't this abuse? Ive read a little about it online. It's not normal aperantly. I don't know what to think? Should I go to the cops perhaps maybe I can do something about this?

"Emilyyyyyy get up it ur turn in the shower!" Daniel yelled at me. Oh what it was just 6:4-" I cut myself off as I saw it was already 7:05 god damn it. I buried my head into my pillow and screamed before getting up.

Just forget what you were thinking about. It's better to focus on the future. I thought to myself.

As I got up I got my clothes I had laid out the day before and opend my door. As I went outside I hear loud rap music playing from my brothers room. I don't know who they all listen to the same stuff. I actually like rap to but not in the morning. And to-

"Watch it you don't want a second round bitch-" Benji said as I walked into him because he came out of nowhere. At first he walked of with his phone in his hand. There was just something about him that made me so mad today. I remember what he did now. How dare he talk to me like that AFTER WHAT HE DID. I wish he could just die. No worse I want him to go thru emotional pain experiencing how much it hurts to be degreased when ur trying ur best everyday even doe it's so hard and I'm holding my breath until I feel safe. My blood is boiling I might just do something stupid. Control yourself it's gonna be okay breathe.

"Hey Emily so can you go with someone else today when u need to go to that competition?" Someone poked me on the shoulder and said. It's Benji. I need to control myself.
"Huh why?" I asked confused. He was supposed to drive me to the hotel with the other girls and we were gonna stay there to 3 am. And then go home. And I want to have a secure transportation cuz it's a school night so I want to just have the transportation done. "I just don't feel like driving 3 and a half hour with your ugly ass and-" I cut him of I absolutely lost it.
I threw my clothes at him and started punching him. "HEY WHAT TF ARE U DOING GET IF ME U DIRTY PIG" Benji led out as he got he stood his ground not moving one bit. "WHY? WHY DO YOU HATE ME SM??? I HATE U SM I WISH I WASNT BORN I WISH MOM HAD A MISCARAGE SO I DIDNT HAVE TO SEE YOUR FACE I HATE YOU MUCH YOU ARE THE WORST PERSON EVER DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU HURT ME? I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU YOU ARE A SOCIOPATH AND NARSACIST AND A ABUSIVE ASSHOLE AND I CANT DEAL WITH IT I JUST WANT IT TO END" I yelled as I kept punching him. He wrapped his arms around me, and all the other boys had stuck their heads out their room and mom and dad wasn't here suprise suprise. "Hey stop stop rn calm down an-" I cut him off and pushed him as hard as I could and he hit he head in the metal push up thingy people have in their doorway. "I HATE YOU" I screamed at him with tears falling down my eyes. I cried and looked around to see my other brothers just watching. Daniel was slowly approaching me as if he was scared of me. "Emily listen I know you're mad I know you're hurt but ju-" Daniel said before I cut him off. "NO YOU DONT GET TO SAY THAT IM DONE DO YOU SEE THIS? IM BROKEN IM MESSED UP IM BRUISED IVE BEEN RAPED ITS TO MUCH I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU GUYS AGAIN" I yelled as I stormed off. "So your just gonna run away. What are you gonna do run to daddy? He's still mad at you bc of the drugs u have no one baby sis" Stilles said with the most sinister smirk on his face. I got ready to throw a punch at him but he grabbed my fist before I could do so. "Listen here kitten. You don't do this. Ever wondered why we all hate you so much? But Daniel has a soft spot?" He said as he twisted my fist. It hurt. "I don't care let me go pl-e-easE" i Said as my voice cracked. "Oh but you do" Stilles said as he let go of my fist and threw me to the ground. I tried to get up, but Finn and Ethan held me down. "Let go o-f-f me" I said with a stuttering voice. Fuck.

"Listen now littel one. I've made a cassette tape for you. You can listen to it and hear why we truly all hate you and if you listen to it I promise we will never ever torment you hurt you or anything ever again." Stilles said as he bent down to me touching my hair. "Okay" I said. "The only condition is that you have to run away after you're done listening to the tape. You still attend the same school but you need to run away" Stilles said. "But why I-" I got caught off. Stilles choked me. "Listen here bitch just do it, we were gonna throw you out anyways somehow so it's best if you do it urself it will be less... painful." He said. I had tears in my eyes I can't belive this. "Pl-e-e-ease" I tried letting out. He didn't ease his grip in fact he tightened it. "Say yes" Stilles said. I couldn't breathe he was gonna kill me. "Y-e-e-es" I finally let out. As he let go I gasped and coughed. After a few minutes I calmed down a little. "Give me the tapes" I said. Stilles handed them over to me. "There's 48 hours of content so listen to it as quick as you can" Stilles said and left. Finn and Ethan looked at me as if they pited me for a sec and the turned their bitch face on again and left. Fucking great. I might just skip school today. I went in to my room and got some headphones and changed quickly to some soccer shorts and a oversized hoodie. I went outside and rode my bike to my special place located behind the beach. There's a littel bench with the perfect view to the sunset I loved comming her as a kid. I got settled and turned it on.

"Hey Emily this is Stilles speaking. If you are listening to this the plan went completely wrong and you are the worst thing in me and my brothers life. You have probably faced abuse by now, and I'm not sorry. You deserve every single piece of pain. I wish nothing but the worst for you. And this. This is the beginning of our story so settle in."


Hi guys!! Sry for the long wait hope u guys enjoy this chapter remember to comment and vote. And guys omg we hit 50k readers!!! Wtf I'm so happy omggg.
I hope y'all are doing good in quarentine I know the world is crazy and most of us students have zero motivation. And I feel for u. I feel for every single one of you. Shoutout to the kids living in a toxic household having to get thru this. Shoutout to all the kids that are having a hard time with online school. Shoutout to the kids that feel so lonely bc school was their only distraction and now it's taken away. Shoutout to the kids that got their senior year/last year taken away. Shoutout to the kids that continue to wake up and live life. I love you. I love you sm you are loved. Drink your water take your pills walk outside and enjoy you. Take care guys I love y'all smmmm.

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