Chapter four

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"Hey girls, miss Hannah can't teach today, so she got me as a substitute. She did assign who there is going to have a solo tho." Miss lucy told us. Everyone looked around thinking who got the solo and so on. She looked at me, that means she is gonna start with my assignments. "Emily, you are doing a solo called "When they see us" based on the new netflixs series, Miss Hannah wrote down that the series really hit you hard, and you became so invested in the story so it would be great to turn all that energy and passion towards their story into a dance. And you are joining the seniors because they are one person short for this week's competition, remember the senior company have known/practiced this dance for 8 months, so you need to be quick on your feet to learn it. And your the feat. role in our  group dance for a competition in 1 month.

Wow... thats alot...but its okay I can do it. Even tho its hard its what I love at the end of the day. So i'm gonna push myself and do this.

"Thank you miss Hannah" I said back. "You can go into studio C with the seniors, practice with them until they are done and then come back to this studio so you can learn the group dance for your own team" She said. I nodded in response and went to get my things (shoes and ect.) over to studio C. It's going to be fine don't worry yourself. I kept telling myself. I was kinda nervous dancing with them...they are all like 18-19 y/o and im only 14...We are gonna see how it goes. I opened the door to studio C to get in, and saw they were in the middle of the dance. The teacher motioned for me to sit down. Woah this looks really hard, I hope I can pull it of. When they got done the teacher clapped. "That was great but how many time do I have to tell you Maria? POINT your feet don't flex them. Oh yeah sweetie can you stand up and come over here?" She asked me. I stood up as i tucked on my black leotard because I was nervous. "Take a good look at her guys. She is the best at her division and she became a national champ at the age of 10 in Georgia. She have been offered scholarships to Juilliard and joffrey ballet school and much more. She is overall perfect. So she got called to fill in for Lydia" Miss Melissa said, basically out of breath. Everyone kinda looked at me in shook. "Introduce yourself sweetie" Miss Melissa asked. "Hi my name is Emily, but my friends call me Em. Im 14 y/o And I just started my freshman year at high school, and yeah I love to dance it's basically all I do every day" I said with a giggle at the end. "Enough chatting, let's get started" Miss Melissa said.

And with that we're done, and I learned my own teams group dance to. I went to go and get my phone before going out, as I reached the doors a tall man stood into me. "Aw" I said as I held a hand to my head. "God Emily why haven't you answered your phone?" Daniel yelled. People started looking. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out to the car. "I'm so-r-r-r-y I forgot to tell you guys, I thought mom would tell you when she got home" I said very scared. "She is working" Daniel said. I looked out of the window for a bit, when I remembered I needed to get a ride to the competition this friday. I don't really know any of them so it would be awkward having a carpool with them. "Hey uh canyoumaybegivemearidetoacompettionthisfridaybecauseimdancingwiththeseniorssoIreallyneedaride." I said as fast as I could. "Can I what now?" He asked back with a confused look. " Can you give me a ride to a competition this friday? It's really important for me" I said ready for him to say no. "Where?" He said with a annoyed look. Wait did he just agree to give me a ride? omg that's new. I thought to myself. "Hey i'm not being sweet to you i'm just doing this because either way mom is gonna get mad at me for not driving you, to your stupid dance competition. You're probably not even that good, like what the fuck" He said laughing to himself at the end. He didn't believe in me. "For the love of god can you even count music" He said laughing at me again. I looked down tears started to fill my eyes. I don't think that i'm good at a lot but dance is that one thing I worked hard for and I know i'm good, not saying im perfect of course im not I could point out at least  45 things I did wrong today at dance practice, but I have a gift, and I have all these medals and trophies at home, I guess he haven't seen them. I looked out the window trying to keep myself from crying. "What are you gonna cry now? Get over yourself you were never good at dance i'm just telling you what everyone of those dance teachers think about you" He said with a evil smirk on his face.

We finally got home, I went straight up into my room I was very upset with Daniel, I don't know why he hates me so much, they all hate me. I sat in my room for hours just training and practicing my dances. I put my earbuds in because I didn't feel like getting yelled at for having loud music on by my brothers.All of the sudden when i do a "a la seconde" turn I see Stilles, I got scared by him standing there because I hadn't heard him get in at all. So I fell down, I quickly got up and took my earbuds out. "Your terrible you know that right? I dont get why you bother, and now I hear from Daniel you're going to a competition this friday, you know we had a deal this friday" He said angrily getting closer to me. "Im sorry this is really important, please you can give me a beating after, please just let me do this" I said backing up against my wall. He gave me a punch in the stomach so I slid down the wall in pain. He bent down to me "Fine but im coming then, to cheer my little baby sister on" He said with a evil smile. He gave me one last slap across the face before going, out of my room. He stood in the doorway. "Oh yeah there is dinner now, Dad just came home" He said. "You better not snitch on us to dad got it dipshit?" He whispered. "Yeahhh" I said out. "daddys girl huh?" He said as he left. 

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