Nighttime Meetings

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Jack sat on his bed. It was late, late at night and the house was so silent. He was scrolling on Snapchat and saw that Amos was online too. He decided to try to talk to him.

jack_black00: Hey dude

amos_: why r u up so late?

jack_black00: Was wondering something

amos_: what is is?

amos_: *it

jack_black00: Summer was saying stuff about you

amos_: oh th whole auggie thing

amos_: its not true

amos_: theres someone else actually

Jack felt his heart drop, but he couldn't explain why. He wasn't gay. He knew that. So why was he getting so jealous all of a sudden?

jack_black00: Who is it?

amos_: meet me at the pier and ill show you

Jack thought about it. He would get in so much trouble if his parents found out, but he really wanted to find out who the lucky girl was. He stopped himself. Why was he so pissed?

Looking in the mirror, Jack kept messing with his hair, trying to make it look nice. He grabbed his coffee and ran out the door. As he sat on the bus, Jack's phone suddenly rang. It was Summer.

"Hel-hello?" she said, yawming.

"Hi Summer. Why are you up? You sound exhausted."

"Nightmare. Felt like something was wrong."

"Everything's ok, Sum."

Summer hung up.

Jack pursed his lips, deep in thought. Summer was a deep sleeper, and she never had nightmares. And she never, never hung up first. The bus stopped.

Amos walked up to Jack. "Are you cold? You don't have a jacket."

"I'm- I'm fine," Jack lied.

Amos handed his jacket to Jack. "Put it on. Don't want you getting frostbite!"

"No, really. It's fine. You don't have to."

"I insist."

"Okay then.." Jack put it on. It reached to his knees and he had to roll up the sleeves, but it was Amos's football hoodie and it smelled like his cologne. He could feel himself blushing.

"Come on, let's sit down." Amos sat on a bench and pulled Jack next to him.

"You said you were gonna tell me who you like."

Amos put his arm around Jack's shoulder and smiled at him. "I thought you would have figured that out by now."

Jack studied his shoes and tried to figure it out. "Do I know her?"

"You know 'em, yeah."



After listing pretty much every girl in their class, Jack had to admit he was stumped. "Why can't you tell me?"

Amos smiled and brushed the hair out of Jack's eyes. "You are so stupid," he laughed. "Why do you care so much?"

"Because I.." Jack stopped talking.

"Because what?"

"Because I care about you."

It may have been the fact that Jack wasn't wearing his contacts, but he could've sworn Amos was blushing. Before Jack had time to think, Amos was leaning towards him and their lips were less than an inch apart. Then Jack's phone rang.

"Goddamit," he muttered. It was his little brother, Jamie. He must have been caught.

Amos pulled back. "You go answer that. It's probably important."

Jack wished he hadn't, but he agreed. His parents screamed at him through the phone.

"I should go," Jack said, getting up.

"Yeah." Amos sounded sad.

Jack put his hand on Amos's cheek. "I'll come hang out this weekend, okay?"

Amos smiled a small smile. "Okay."

The two parted ways. And once he was on the bus, away from Amos, Jack shed a few tears.

((Sorry I've been gone for so long. Hope you like it!))

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