Love, the forgotten

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The rain hasn't stopped,
I hope it has when you read this.
I never wanted to write this letter,
but I'm just too scared to call.
When you read this,
I'll be gone.
For good.
And you'll never see me again.
I never realised why,
Why I just couldn't be with you,
Why I couldn't see your face.
But then I figured it out,
It's cause you can't let the old memory go. The feelings.
And as much as it pains me to say,
I'm oke with that.
Not because I don't want to be with you, cause I do.
But because I've waited long enough.
Don't think I'm mad, i'm not.
I just can't wait anymore.
And we both deserve to be happy.
So if me leaving will make that able, then so be it.
I need to go now, my train will leave soon.
I will never forget you.
And I hope you'll be happy. Even if it's not with me.
Well, I guess this is goodbye.

Love, the forgotten

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