Chapter 6 : Small bit of happiness

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Chapter 6 is here~ yay I don't own Cardfight Vangaurd! Bushiroad owns it~ though I wish I owned it.... >^> anyway let's see what happens in this chapter!

I sighed as I got out of the shower, I wanted to stay in longer but the steam had begun to make me feel slightly woozy. I dried myself off and put on my clothes, I was lucky that I had been wearing a long sleeve shirt to cover all the scrapes I had gotten from 'tripping'. Also the single cut I had gave myself in the shower.

When I walked out if the bathroom my mom walked up to me and smiled.

"Silly Aichi, you never can dry your hair properly"

She grabbed the towel I had placed on my head and had begun drying my hair. I actually already knew how to dry my hair perfectly, I just wanted my mom to do it for me. My mom was always so kind and gentle.

"So Aichi, how hungry are you?"

I thought for a bit, I was actually starving for once. I took that as a good sign. I smiled happily at my mom, for once I was actually happy.

"I'm really really hungry!"

My mom's eyes lit up instantly and she hugged me tightly, it felt warm and kind but she was hugging too tightly.

"Mom.. I can't breathe..."

She instantly let go of me and ruffled my hair.

"Sorry, I was just so happy, it's been so long since you've been really hungry"

I couldn't help but smile at my mom's reaction.

Hehe usually it's a bad thing when a kids really hungry.

My mom left me to go start preparing dinner, it made me happy that she seemed extra energetic in cooking today. I went to go and check on Emi, when I peeked into her crib I smiled. Emi was sleeping peacefully, I touched her cheek and was surprised when she wrapped her hands around my fingers.

"I love you Emi"

I whispered before kissing her on the head then putting her blanket she had knocked away back on her. I was afraid that when she got older that she would be treated how I was, I could just tell that Emi was going to grow up into a kind person.

Emi I'll protect you the best I can if that ever happens.

I almost made myself laugh at my thoughts, I couldn't even take care of my own problem. There was no way I could properly protect Emi.

I'll still try though.

My mom called me for dinner I quickly shovelled the food into my mouth, earning some laughter from my mom. It felt nice to be happily eating with her after so long. Afterwards I happily went to bed, I was thankful that my last dream didn't repeat itself, instead I was blessed with a calm dreamless sleep.

I woke up early and got dressed, I grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer and some bandages.

I'm going to see if I can make Mizuha fear me without me harming him.

I wrapped the knife in the bandages carefully and slipped it into my pocket. I didn't want it to accidental cut me when I sat so I had made sure the knife was securely wrapped.

"Aichi! Breakfast!"

I froze when my mom popped her head into my door, I felt so lucky that I had already pocketed the knife.

My mom would have thrown a fit if she saw me with it..

I smiled at my mom and followed her to the kitchen table.

"Thanks mom, but I'll have toast I want to get to school early today"

My mom frowned slightly then smiled, I could tell she wanted me to eat a lot like last night but I really had to 'get to school early'. I walked out the door and shielded my eyes from the harsh yet kind sunlight.

Today's going to be interesting..

Me: that's the end of chapter 6!

Aichi: hmmmm.... Wonder how it'll turn out..

Me: Aichi... What are you planning?..

Aichi: nothing... Nothing important..

Me: Aichi please be safe..

Aichi: sure...

Me:.... Anyway.. Hope ya enjoyed the chapter! I made it short so I can name the next chapter something specific~ hehe...

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