Chapter 20 : Friends

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Chapter 20 is here~ I don't own cardfight vangaurd at all, sadly Bushiroad does... Anyway let the chapter start!

I was woken up by Emi gently shaking me, I groaned and tried to huddle into the warmth of my blankets, they felt so cozy compared to the chilled air of my room.

"Aichi come on, you need to get up"

I peeked my head out of my bundle if blankets to see my little sister frowning at me with her hands on her hips, I shivered at the cold breeze that greeted me.

"It's cold..."

I whined as I went to huddle back into my blankets, I heard her sigh then felt her tugging at my blankets.

"It's your fault for leaving the window open overnight, come on get up. You don't want to be late for school"

I obediently got out of my warm bundle of blankets at the mention of school, I was curious about what would happen today. I wondered if I would finally begin to exist in the classroom, I shook my head and smiled.

Mizuha is my friend now, he was the one who started everything. So now that he's stopped, that means everyone else will stop right?

I looked over at Emi and lead her out the door of my room then closed the door, so I could get changed into my school uniform. I winced slightly at the sensation of my uniforms touch against my sensitive bandaged arms, the feeling stung but I shrugged it off. I wanted to go to school today and I didn't want to let a little bit of irritation stop me.

The pain will heal but the scars will remain, reminding me how important life is.

When I had finished changing I exited my room to go eat some breakfast, I was greeted with a warm smile from my mom and a plate full of freshly made waffles.

"Nice to see you up Aichi"

My mom smiled as she placed my plate down in front of me as I took a seat at the table beside Emi who was already eating her share of breakfast.

"Morning, and thanks for the waffles"

I began to eat my waffles, thankful that they were warm so they could warm me up from the chilly morning air.

When I had finished eating I went to go put my shoes on, I really didn't want to be late in meeting up with Naoki and Mizuha. However I was stopped when I felt my mom's gentle hand on my shoulder, I looked at her confused until she showed me a spray bottle of disinfectant. I grimaced at the sight of the can, it had been used on me a lot when I used to 'fall' a lot and I never liked how it stung.

"Aichi I don't want your arms getting infected and you getting blood poisoning"

I frowned and moved a little away from my mom and shook my head, I didn't remember ever enjoying the feeling of disinfectant.

"I don't want to... It hurts.."

I looked down at the ground, hoping that she would take pity on me. I knew it wasn't something I would usually do but I really didn't want to allow her to disinfect my cuts.

That stuff is evil...

"Aichi, you can't go to school if you won't let me make sure it won't get infected"

I looked over into my mom's cyan eyes and sighed, I could tell that she wasn't giving in anytime soon. I gingerly moved up my sleeves and unwrapped my bandages to reveal yesterday's results for my mom to examine, I tried to read her expression but I couldn't.

"Owwww! it hurts!"

I cried out as she began to spray my arms with the evil bottle of disinfectant before bandaging my arms back up with new bandages, I could tell that small tears of pain were in the corners of my eyes afterward.

"Okay I'm going to school now..."

I half whimpered because my arms were still in pain, I opened the front door and almost walked into Naoki and Mizuha. I looked at my two friends surprised.

"That's he is! I told ya Aichi wouldn't back out on our promise"

Naoki growled half heartedly with a slight smile towards the beige haired boy beside him, who in return rolled his hazel eyes and grabbed my left hand and pulled me out the door.

"Naoki, Mizuha, what are you guys doing here?"

I really hadn't expected to open my front door only to see my two friends standing on the other side, I was glad to see them and that they hadn't went on without me.

"Well we were worried that you might not come to school and would instead sleep in"

Mizuha explained as we walked to school together, the air was chilly yet it now felt quite pleasant and the skies were lightly clouded.

Naoki glared towards the beige haired teen.

"I wasn't worried! I knew Aichi wouldn't break his promise to go to school today!"

I laughed lightly as Naoki argued, Mizuha suddenly looked at me with genuine surprise. I tilted my head and looked at him confused.

"What's wrong?"

I asked, not knowing why Mizuha was suddenly looking at me with such deep surprise.

"You laughed..."

Mizuha whispered in awe,as he looked at me like he had seen a flying cat fly past us.


"Aichi I've never heard you laugh before... I'm so glad you can laugh..."

Naoki smiled as he hopped forward after placing an arm each over me and Mizuha's shoulders.

"Idiot Mizuha, Aichi's human just like the rest of us"

Mizuha looked at Naoki with a smirk, I couldn't help but think how strange my friends were.

"I knew that, it's just I didn't think Aichi could smile so easily.... Though I'm glad"

I smiled at my beige haired friend, he was truly nothing like I thought he was like all these years, he was a really kind person.

Me: that's the end of chapter 20~

Mizuha: I'm glad you can smile so easily

Aichi: why wouldn't I be able to?

Naoki: no reason Aichi, you're just stronger than Mizuha thought you were

Aichi: eh?!? I can't lift heavy things easily though!

Mizuha: I guess your right Naoki

Aichi: ..... I'm missing something aren't I?

Me: hehe anyway hope ya enjoyed the chapter~ it's lighter in the mood~

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