Imagine 1

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How Y'all First Met

It was a sunny Friday evening, you and your family had just moved to Riverdale for a fresh start. You had survived a toxic drunken abusive father, the only way to get away was to move to this small town. It was you, your mother and Muffin, the golden retriever.

The movers were in and out of the house, the front and back door was opened. Your mom was already putting things away, you however noticed a special someone missing all this action....Muffin.

"Mom have seen Muffin?" You asked walking into your mother's office.

She looked up from the box she was so concentrated on, fixing her glasses she stood and placed her hands in her hip. "Now that I think of it....I haven't." She must have noticed my face sadden because she gave me a warm smile. "Don't worry honey. She'll be back, this is a small town so someone will see her. Why don't you go start on your room and after dinner we can go look for her."

I nodded my head and returned the smile.

~~After Dinner ~~
After dinner, I helped my mom clean the dishes. I noticed how tired she looked so I told her to head to bed, I'll go look for Muffin myself.

"Don't stay out too late. If she's not back by tonight, then the first thing we'll do tomorrow morning is put up flyers." She kissed my forehead and went to bed.

I grabbed my big black hoodie, placed my pink unicorn sleepers on and headed out. I had my phone flash on and searched top to bottom. In  bushes or places where a dog would like they would have fun. But no luck. I looked at my phone and it read 12:24. Damn I've been out this long and didn't even realize. I made my way home, I was little sad. I had Muffin since she was first born, she was my best friend and my comfort whenever I felt uncomfortable and right now I felt uncomfortable. I was in a new town and had to start all over, new school, new friends and it was very overwhelming.

All of a sudden I was snapped out my thoughts when I heard a bark. I recognized the bark....I heard it again and I heard someone shushing the dog. It was Muffin! I followed the noise, when I stopped at the noise, I saw Muffin on top of a figure.

"Muffin!" I yelled, Muffin turned my way and ran over to me. The figure stood up and began to walk to me.

"I think a better name would be sir bark a lot." He joked, Muffin was a barker when in a new place. The figure came close and I stared at the boy ahead, he had red hair and pretty nice smile. Overall he was good looking, a scientist didn't have to tell you that, and it looked like he worked out quite a bit.

"Yeah I might reconsider." I kneel down to play with Muffin"Where did you find her?" I asked looking up at the guy who just smiled and admire what was in front of him.

"She came to me actually. I was coming home from school and she was just here. I figured she was lost so I took her in into I could put up a flyer or two." He explain "I was about to go running and take her with me but she started barking. My dad had no idea she was here and I needed to keep her quiet."

"Well thank you." I stood up and went closer to the guy"We just moved here and I didn't know what to do."

"No problem, I'm Archie by the way." He held out his hand.

"I'm Aaliyah." We shook hands, he walked me and Muffin home and promised to meet me here early so we can walk to school together, we only lived a few houses down from each other so that was good.

Maybe this move won't be so overwhelming anymore.

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