Reggie Mantle

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Single Again

As everything died down in the mall town of Riverdale, everything went back to normal again....well as normal as it could ever be really. That stupid game everyone was playing was over, that stupid cult Betty went on about, Jughead mom left and of course Archie and Veronica got back together.  I guess they were truly endgame?

So that left you and Reggie to be single....again. You actually broke up with Archie, you knew him and Veronica would get back together so you didn't even want to go through that drama. Reggie however was heartbroken, well he was really hurt.

"Closing time!" Reggie shouted as he wiped down the bar, you were helping him out by wiping the wet glasses. "You do know that I don't need help?" You rolled your eye.

"You know a thank you would be much nicer." You sarcastically smiled at him.

"Thank you." He spoke then it got silent. Reggie looked sad, you felt bad for him but he should have known that Veronica and Archie would get back together, plus that was his best friend ex girlfriend. But again, that still isn't an excuse, he was sad and I needed to cheer him up. "What are you doing after this?" He looked down at you confused.

"Nothing that I know of. Why?"

"Let's go for a drive. Watch the sunrise, I'm not tired and could really use some company." You weren't tired and loved watching the sunrise.

"Okay." He threw down the rag and leaned against the bar counter "But we're taking my car. I'll be damn if I get caught riding on your motorcycle."


~~Later That Morning ~~
It was 4:50 AM

You and Reggie were staring up at the beautiful morning sky. Laying on the grass, head resting on y'all arm. "So this is what you do for fun?" Reggie asked.

"One of the many. It's just really relaxing." He looked over at you"After my dad left this was the only way I found peace. It's calming to me, puts me at ease. I figured it'll help you." You admit.

"Help me? What do I need help with?" You sat up, preparing your answer.

"Well your attitude for one. But really because I noticed a change of you when Veronica broke things off." He looks away, obviously I was right.

"I'll be fine." He shrugged

"I know you will. You're a strong guy, but a little help here and there is Okay." He was sitting up now, facing you.

"We have to do this more often." He grabbed your hand and held it closely "Just don't tell anyone or your ass is grass." He threatens

"Ooooo I'm so scared." You placed a hand on your chest and fake being scared"Oh no! Mantle the magnificent is going to get me." Y'all both laughed and end up play fighting, he took you home and on the car ride home you fell asleep.

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