Archie Andrew

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Pops Granddaughter

After a busy Tuesday, Archie Andrews decided to go have dinner at Pops. A long day of school and then a hard evening at the gym drained Archie, he was hungry and tired. Fred, his dad was staying at work late and his friends Betty and Jughead were out doing god knows what. And his girlfriend? Well she was having dinner with her parents and his "friends". Now alone and bored, Archie sat on a stool waiting for his order to be taken.

"Hello my name is Zoè and I'll be taking your order tonight." Archie looked up from his phone and there stood the most gorgeous girl he has ever laid eyes on. She was tall, slender, light brown eyes that matched her peanut butter skin tone. Her hair was dyed turquoise and cut in short bob style, not a lot of girls could pull that color off but she did. "Are you okay?" She raised her eyebrows at Archie confused, what was this guy staring at?

"Oh sorry..." he chuckled nervously. Archie felt a sting in his stomach and body turned hot, guilt. He felt guilty because he found another girl attractive. He couldn't take his eyes off her, was this cheating? "I never seen you here before, are you new in town?" Archie asked.

"Kinda." Now it was Archie turn to raise an eyebrow "I am new in town but only for the week. I'm here helping my grandpa, it's spring break and I'm here taking orders." She rolled her eyes, it was obvious that she didn't want to be here. What teenage girl wants to be working when she can be at a party? "Welcome to Riverdale. Sorry you have to be here, it's not such a bad has it's good days." Archie shrugged.

"That's good to know." She smiled and took out her note pad and pen"Now for the last time, what would you like?"

Zoè took Archie order, the two chat for a few hours even after Archie was done eating. He felt a strong connection with her, he knew he needed to leave now or he might make a mistake. But Zoè was not like any girl he ever met before, she was different and had deep conversations. He finally felt like he met his other half, they were so different but at the same time they were just alike. "Do you believe in aliens?" Archie asked, Archie couldn't have weird deep conversations with his girlfriend Veronica.

"Aliens? Are you kidding me?" Zoè leaned closer in to Archie "I'm headed to Area 51 after work." They both laughed, knowing it was just joke but truly believed in aliens.

"I see you two have already met." Pops came up to the two young teens and smiled "Your shift is over, I see you home in an hour. I have to stay a little longer." Zoè nodded her head taking off her apron.

"Am I taking the car? I can come pick you later." She smiles and plays with the end of shirt.

"I love you but not that much."  She pouted and put on her best puppy dog eyes "You know your mother left specific rules. One being no driving." She scoffed in disappointment.

"How am getting home?" Zoè ask, Pops paused and thought for a second.

"I'll take her home, it's not a problem." Pops stared from Archie to Zoè, he was hesitant at first but eventually caved in.

The ride home was even better , the conversation was even better. The music blast loudly, Zoè has her head sticking out the window feeling the breeze, singing off key but didn't care. Archie was so caught in the moment that he didn't even noticed that Veronica was texting him. This was the first in months that Archie felt genuinely happy and stress free. The two pulled up at Pops house, Archie looked at his phone as it vibrates, it was girlfriend calling, he just turned the phone over and looked at Zoè.

Zoè was staring at the sky, zoned out. "What are you thinking about?" Archie asked.

"Nothing. Sometimes I just zone out and look up at the sky.....the sky is so beautiful and the stars are my favorite part." Zoè went on"It's crazy how all those stars are just balls of gas." She looked at Archie with a big smile on her face.

Archie was half listening to what she was saying but he couldn't help but just admire her beauty. "You are so beautiful." He blurts out.

"Thank you." She smiled "My soul is more beautiful than my beauty." She grinned.

Archie wanted to lean in and kiss her so bad, he was hungry for her kiss now. But he knew he would be crossing the line, the moment he started ignoring his girlfriend was crossing the line and now he felt bad. "Well I guess here is were I get off. Thanks Archie, for the conversation, the ride.....and just for a good night."

"Anytime." Archie smiled "This was one of the best nights I've had in a long time." Before Archie could say anything else, Zoè planted a kiss on his lips. The quick peck lasted two seconds but in those two seconds Archie fell in love and also cheated on his girlfriend.

"See you later." Zoè jumped out the car and ran into the house. Archie sat in the car, stunned and shocked. On one side he felt like he was on cloud 9 but on the other hand he just caused so much drama, and the worst parts is......he didn't even feel bad about kissing her.

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