Imagine 6

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Crush On You

It was a Tuesday night, I was home studying with my best friend Archie. We had a Math year coming up and decided to have a study session since we both sucked at studying and math.

"Can we please take a break." Archie slumped in his chair and crossed his arm"My head feels like it's going to explode."

I rolled my eyes, he was being very dramatic. But we had been studying for awhile now so I decided we could take a hour break. "Hungry?" I asked walking getting up and walking to the kitchen, he followed.

"Do you have to ask?" I went in the cabinet and pulled out some chips, went to the fridge so I can get the supplies for our sandwich. "Wanna play a game?" I raised my eyebrow at Archie sudden interest.

"What kind of game?" I spread the mayo on the bread.

"One truth two lies." He came farther in the kitchen and took a seat at the island table. "I'll said three things, two are a lie and one is true. You have to figure out which is true out of the three." He explains.

"Sounds simple."  I slide his plate over to him and began eating.

"I am a natural ginger head, I have siblings, and I hate dogs."He sips his drink and stare at me.

"Obviously the last two are lies. You have dog named Vegas who happens to be your only friend, I've known you my entire life and never met a single one of your siblings." He laughed "Your mom is ginger head as well."

"That one was easy." I laugh and shake my head. We played that game for what felt like forever, we were having fun to the point we didn't even know what time it was but when we checked it was pretty late.

"Archie it's going on 12 in the morning. I think it's time for you to leave." I started to clean up our mess.

"Okay but one more." I swear he was little kid in grown man body.

"One and we're done." I warned.

"Fair enough." He clasped his hands together and got ready to ask the questions. He stared at me for a long time, his face turning serious. "I enjoy the rain, I'm a night owl.....I had the biggest crush on you since last year." His face was still serious, and the only time I seen Archie serious was when he was really going through something.

"Ummm, you're a night owl is a true. And the other two were lies." I smiled, assuming I got it right I stood up. "Nice one Archie, but once again I win. I know you better than you know yourself."

Archie was still sitting there, face still serious. Now I was very much confused. Why wasn't he going home? Or talking? "Archie?" I called out "Is everything okay?" I rest my hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me.

"You actually got that one wrong." I scoffed "I'm serious, you didn't get this one right."

"What? You like the rain?" I said my face scrunched up "Who the hell likes rain?"

"I hate the rain too." I froze, now I'm not naive or anything but was Archie trying to admit that he....likes me?

"Archie?" I whispered in shocked, still loud enough for him to hear me.

"Leslie hear me out. I like you, I don't know when it happened but I have for a long time now. I never wanted to say anything because I didn't want to mess up our friendship." Archie stood up, walking towards me"I tried to hide my feelings but they started getting stronger and stronger. You don't have to say anything right now, I just couldn't hold it in any longer."

I looked up and smiled at the sweet ginger head in front of me. I had a crush on Archie years ago but always put my feelings aside so that we could be friends, he was everything a girl could ask for in a guy. Who wouldn't like Archie?

"Wow....I'm stunned. Shocked!" I smiled at Archie "I've had a crush on you for awhile now but never wanted to do anything about it."

"What? Really?" He looked shocked but relieved "So we both liked each other but was afraid to ruin our friendship."

We burst into laughter.

"So now what?" I asked

"I guess I have to ask you out now?"  He said shyly

"Let's not make this awkward now." I playfully punched his chest. He pulled my face closer to his and placed his lips on my lips.

The kiss was smooth, sweet and beautiful.

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