Chapter 4- Woodward Academy

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Previously on An Assassins Story...

I realized there were a couple of security cameras on the compound. "Robin Kent?" I heard a voice. I turned around to see the owner of that voice.

"Yes?" I replied, "That's me."


"I'm Charles Aiken, please come with me."

I did as I was told and accompanied him, where we traveled to the right of the school to a whole nother area of the school. "So this is the Montogomery Campus, this is the boys' dorm campus. No girls are allowed on this side of the school and vice Versa." The resident adviser informed me as we entered the dormitory. He was a tall black guy with a balled head and very skinny arms. His lips were thick and his words were perfectly annunciated.

I nodded to make sure he knew I was listening. "Laundry day is on Sundays and Saturdays. Friday is the only day, you guys will have a cook, every other day, a different person in your division will cook. I'll leave that for you to decide," He looked at me from head to toes, his eyes scanned me over once, his hands held behind his back and when he was done, he straightened his neck and said, "Or you can fend for yourself."

"Here is the kitchen," he told me as we entered a huge kitchen on the first floor of the building. "The dorms are divided into three sections. Alpha, beta and the delta hall. Your room pretty much determines your hall section." We stopped and he gave me time to look around for a minute. "There are three hundred and ninety-six units in the Montgomery hall. Room 1-132 is alpha headquarters, 133-264 is beta domain and from there on down is all deltas."

"The main dining hall is over there," He pointed out, "And the living room or as the alphas like to call it, the sports room. It's a living room with a flat-screen television, 60 inches. There are multiple couches with a mini-fridge and a pool table. There is a mini kitchen, a smaller sports room, and a laundry room on each floor. Curfew is at 11:05 p.m. If at any time you fail to switch off the lights at curfew then at exactly 11:20 p.m., it's lights out. Classes commence at 8:00 in the morning. I advise that you try your best not to be late."

"Follow me this way," He stalked off again, this time to the elevator, I followed lugging my suitcase along with my duffle bag, "So what division am I apart of?"

He pressed the elevator button to the third floor, and I found it a little odd that a newcomer such as myself was apart of the alpha division. "You'll find out when you receive your keys from your resident adviser."

"So you aren't my resident adviser?" I asked, getting a little confused with his previous reply.

"Oh, hell no. Nah, nope. We're actually on our way to meet your resident adviser for the Montgomery Campus. I got roped into filling in for Steven. I'm the resident adviser for the Morgan Rowe Campus for Seniors."

"Oh, makes sense," I said nodding, "So how did you get roped into doing this then?" I asked, trying to sound as interested and as manly as possible.

Charles sighed, "Steven the R.A, is my younger brother." The elevator pinged and the doors opened and we entered the hall. He continued down the hallway, a couple of doors on either side of the hallway. After a while, we stopped at room 125 and Charles knocked on the door. Standing there and waiting for the door to open, I smelt smoke, almost like something was burning.

It wasn't very clear to me what. My eyes darted about, once again assessing my surroundings. Suddenly, a scenario had flashed before me, what if they had found me? What if they had set the building on fire to flush me out? But how could they have found me this fast, I took every precaution I could.

I slowly but surely started to sweat, a little nervous. I hear a good amount of shuffling on the opposite side of the door. I rested my hand on the back of my jeans where I had hidden a knife. For a brief moment, Charles looked at me with a knowing look and shrugged.

When the door opened I thought I was seeing stuff. A shirtless, white, curly-haired boy with brown eyes and a hella lot of freckles was leaned against the door; his eyes looked droopy and a waft of smoke invades my senses as he exhaled. I relaxed and slowly released my knife. First, my eyes watered for a bit, and I turned to look at Charles with a question in my watering eyes. I coughed a bit.

Charles shook his head, "Don't ask." I nodded understanding and not caring about the explanation. He smelt of weed and his pupils were noticeably dilated. I understood why Charles had to fill in for his brother. He was messed up but I did wonder what he got out of doing this to himself. In a way, I felt sorry for him.

He had no idea what the world was like and he probably felt like the world revolved around him, not to mention he might think he was in a worse situation than others around him. I was curious as to if he would change his views on the life he was living if he knew that a breathing-living assassin was standing before him.

"I'm Robin Kent, the new exchange student. Nice to meet you, man." I forced the smile, which came off a little too friendly and genuine for my liking but whatever. It was better this way; I held out a hand for him to shake. If things went right, I'd have to possibly stay here for the rest of my teenage life and enroll in a college nearby for stuff I might have already known. He took another puff of his blunt and breathed it out again. I stood there for a while, mute.

"Thanks, bro. I owe you one." Steven grinned at his brother.

"Yeah, I know who you are." He looked me over and I knew instantly he was not the friendly type. "Yeah, you can repay me by not doing this shit again and pull yourself together. I gotta bounce, talk to you soon. Yo Robin, don't worry. You'll be fine, even with him."

I nodded, and he walked away leaving me with this fucked up boy he calls his bother.

"Babs!" He called as he looked away for a moment, "Grab the keys." Another guy, who I assumed was Steven's roommate threw the key to him and he chucked it at me. I grab the key in one quick catch, "You're in room 264. Here's the thing, you'll be rooming with a beta bro but you're actually a delta. This is a rare case so basically you get a pardon. I take it my brother briefed you on the rules?"

"Yeah, he did," I responded getting fed up with his tone and no-care attiude.

"Just one more thing, stay out of the alpha territory and don't ask me for a fucking thing. Agreed?"

I bit my tongue so hard that I think I may have been bleeding just a little. I hated being told what to do. This wasn't my style and the amount of testosterone that radiated off this guy was insane. "Agreed."

Then he slammed the door shut and relief ran right through me when I realized I had managed not to mangle him. I got into the elevator and made my way to the second floor. I walked down the hall until I came to room 264. I knocked, there was no answer so I inserted the key and entered.

I dragged my suitcase and duffle bag behind me, closed the door and left the suitcase in the center of the room. On either side of the room, there was a bed and a desk and on the left, there was a door, most likely leading to the bathroom. A nightstand beside each bed and some storage built into the bed. The bed on the right was untouched so I grabbed some sheets that I had pressed at the hotel and spread the bed. Then I put away some clothes into the drawers of the bed.

I grabbed the envelope that I received from the girl I had gone to see. I got a new passport, birth certificate, and ID, along with the necessary school enrollment papers for tomorrow. I took off my jacket and plopped onto the bed and closed my eyes, just resting and preparing myself for what was gonna happen next.

Shopping, but not just any type of shopping, shopping for boxers. Goodbye, lacy comfortable underwear, welcome to the world of boxers, a necessary evil to stay alive for as long as I could. One wrong move (wearing girls' underwear) could be the difference between life and death. I would do whatever it took if it meant they would never find me. This life was super new to me, I had never assumed any identity for more than 24 hours. "Robin Kent, welcome to an all-boys high school that is Woodward Academy."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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