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My mind


Me: *uses the power of fangirl to summon characters from anime*

Italy: *appears* GERMANY IM SCARED

Japan: *appears* Herro.

Germany: *appears* finally! A break from- oh. They're here.

Sebastian: *appears* DAMMIT STOP DOING THIS!

Grell: *doesn't appear* I'm lonely.

Hikaru: *appears* hai.

Alois: *appears* Hey. Hai. Herro.

Ciel: *appears with tea all over his clothes* DAMMIT DONT SUMMON SEBASTIAN FIRST!

Me: I've called you all here today to finally delve into the deep, dark, horrific depth of-

Italy: *quaking* T-tumblr?

Me: no, not today. But thanks for the idea!

Japan and Germany: *facepalm*

Me: we will be looking at... Creepypasta.

Italy: that's not bad! I love pasta! There isn't anything creepy about pasta!

Germany: except for your obsession of it.

Sebastian: *slaps Germany*

Germany: OW!

Sebastian: sorry, Grell's not here so I don't have anyone to beat up.

Everyone: *backs away from Bassy*

Me: anyhoo... TO THE COMPUTER!

~one Creepypasta spree later~

Me: Come on! One more!


Alois: *laughing at others*

Hikaru: *huddled in corner* I see why Tamaki does this... It's comforting...

Italy: *crying*

Germany: *shivering*

Japan: there is worse.

Me: oh yah?

Japan: *whispers spoilers in my ear*

Me: *shudder* no... Not yaoi spoiler.

Japan: I could do worse...


Japan: Alois dies.

Me: *joins Italy and starts crying*

Moral of the story: submit now. After reading Creepypasta, you will lose any shred of humanity left. Submit to Creepypasta. It rules you now.

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