Chapter 1~ Not So Alone Anymore

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The cover is a drawing I did of the main character.

I now give to you...The Journey of Her Soul...


In the dead of night, in the most dangerous area in an unknown city, a lone teenage girl walked along the streets. Although she looked viscious, she felt nervous and was afraid of being attacked. She could sense several malicious souls nearby, but could not locate them. The few street lights that worked glowed only dimly, not doing much to stave off the creepy darkness hugging the pavement. It shrouded the alleys, hiding from sight anyone or anything that might attack.

"Where am I?" the girl breathed out in barely a whisper. Even so, her rhetorical question was answered.

"You're in my part of town, princess." A sadistic male voice told her as it's source stepped out of a nearby alleyway. He stood about twenty feet ahead of her, in the middle of the road, so she stopped walking. She quieted her breathing, and maintained a calm appearence. This man in front of her seemed to be the most powerful of all the nearby souls, making her extra wary of him. She shifted herself into a defensive position, just in case anyone got too close.

"I'm not anybody's princess. I'm just passing through, and I'll be gone before you know it." The girl could only hope he took the hint that she wanted to be left alone.

Today was not her lucky day. "Nah, I think I'm gonna keep you here." She noticed his voice getting deeper and gravelly. "You might come in... handy." His tongue flicked across his lips, as if he was hungry.

The girl took a step away from him, before realizing that more people had stepped from the shadows to surround her. Somewhere around twenty or thirty people, mostly males, seemed to be part of whatever gang she was now in the middle of. Her "sixth sense" was screaming that these weren't ordinary people. No, they were on the verge of something much worse.

"Kishin eggs. Their souls are kishin eggs. That's whats off-seeming about them. They've eaten human souls." The girl told herself out loud. Everyone around her grinned, revealing their inhuman fangs. For the first time, she noticed the long fingers and claws stretching from each hand, the animalistic posture, the red glint in their eyes.

But these malevolent creatures were different from the few others she had come across. They still had the intelligence for organization, instead of being completely consumed by power-crazed hunger. That made them especially dangerous.

Even knowing she wouldn't last long against so many evil-souled gang members, the girl still pulled a dagger from her belt. It was a simple weapon, with an eight inch blade and a leather grip. She twirled it casually, but menacingly, at her side.

"Either you let me walk away, or I do my best to kill every single one of you. What will it be?"

The first man she had seen, who appeared to be the leader, laughed at her. "I like fiesty ones. They have such a unique flavor." He started toward the girl. Speaking to his group, he said "This one is mine."

His target dropped into a crouch, dagger held in front of her for protection. When the man was only ten feet away, she suddenly straightened and whipped her arm across her body. The dagger flew from her grip, flying straight through the air. In the blink of an eye, it had embedded itself deep in the gang leader's skull. The surprised gasps of his followers turned to agressive growls as the girl ran foward to collect her only weapon. As her hand grasped its hilt, its victim disappeared in a black flash. His soul remained, glowing red, showing that it was in fact a kishin egg.

The Journey of Her Soul (Soul Eater fanfic) {VERY SLOW UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now