Chapter 4~ New Acquantainces

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The heavy doors swung open to reveal four teenagers. Zextra recognized two as Black☆Star and Tsubaki, the other two were unfamiliar. One was a girl with long blond hair in pigtails and a large black coat; the other a boy with white hair, red eyes, and wearing a yellow and black jacket. Black☆Star was laughing crazily, Tsubaki smiled nervously, and the blond girl was glaring at the boy who Zextra figured was her partner.

The girl opened her mouth to start speaking, but no words came when she realized just how many people were in the room, including a stranger. Her head cocked to the side the smallest bit, but it wasn't her who spoke first.

"Who are you?" The comparative deepness of the boy's voice surprised Zextra at first, though she kept it hidden.

"Her name is Zextra, she's a friend." Liz announced defensively before Zextra could answer for herself. Zextra glanced at Liz with a bit more respect, wrapping her arms around her abdomen self-consciously at the same time.

The unfamiliar girl swatted the boy on the back of his head. His right hand shot up to rub at the now-sore spot, grumbling. "What was that for? I wanted to know her name, plus she's kinda cute."

He gave Zextra a sharp-toothed grin, just in time to be slapped by his Meister again. Both her and Zextra were glaring daggers at him, and Zextra's grip on the hilt of her real dagger was tight enough her knuckles turned white. Despite her anger, new tears shone in the corners of her eyes. "Don't call me cute, boy. You're lucky I swore not to kill except for them."

"'Them?' Who do you mean by 'them?'" The girl asked, skipping over the threat on her Weapon's life.

"I believe that's how she refers to those with kishin-egg souls. She said it once earlier. How many have you killed?" Stein reported, looking toward Zextra.

She shrugged, relaxing a little bit. "Never kept a count. I've been alone for nearly ten years, average a couple a month, so... maybe between two and three hundred?"

"Two or three hundred! That many!?"

"I walked across most of the country, so yeah. What's the big deal?"

"Most of the students here have yet to have killed twenty. Not to mention you are without training or a Weapon partner." Stein told her, eyes studying every reaction.

"I became an orphan just days before my fifth birthday. I've been completely alone and had to fend for myself since then. It's learn fast or die when you suddenly find yourself having to kill with a dagger you can barely use." Zextra paused for a breath from her irritated rant, then continued less forcefully. "After all these years, my instincts have become to fight for my life, no flight response. My life has always been on the brink of ending. I never feared for my life, only knew that if I died, I would have disappointed my mom. True courage in battle can't be taught in a school behind desks. You're born with it, or it comes from life-threatening experiences."

The still-unknown boy and girl stared at her, as did Tsubaki and Black☆Star. Tsubaki spoke gently, not wanting to break the solemn slience that had followed Zextra's speech. "That's why you seemed troubled when we met you."

"Yeah, I'm an orphan. Up until today, I hadn't even had a conversation with the same person more than once since my mom passed. By the way, what are your names?" Zextra pointed toward her newest acquaintainces.

"I'm Maka, a Meister, and this is my Weapon Soul." She gestured to herself, then her partner, before she extended a hand for Zextra to shake. She did, pleasantly surprised at the strength in Maka's grip.

"My little girl! Daddy loves you!" Spirit flung his arms around his daughter, who promptly shoved him away. The off-handed gesture pulled at some unknow emotion within Zextra, who had obviously never known her father.

She turned to the mature (albeit crazy) adults of the room, bowing slightly once she faced them. "Lord Death. I would like to request enrollment here at the Death Weapon Meister Academy. I have no practice at working cooperatively with others, but perhaps making friends will turn out for the better."

"We'll get you into classes right away! You'll be in the EAT Class with Maka, Soul, and the others! They'll show you where it is!"

Maka hesitated, like she still had something to say. "You can tell me what you need to later, right now you need to show Zextra around!"

With that, Maka turned on her heel and walked out; Soul and Zextra following quickly.


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