Chapter 5~

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As Maka and Soul led Zextra through the halls, she struggled to keep her roiling emotions in check. For years she had believed, without any knowledge to disprove it, that she was completely alone and without any family in the world. All of a sudden, Zextra had learned of her father, and met her uncle and a cousin who seemed to be of the same age as herself.

"Hey, Zextra! Zextra!"

Zextra snapped out of her thoughts as she finally heard Soul calling her name. "Huh? What?"

"You really zoned out, huh?" Soul half-smiled, "I was trying to ask how old you are."

Zextra squinted and eyed him suspiciously, then slowly asked: "Why?"

Soul grinned again. "Because I was wondering which of you was older."

Zextra glared at him. "Do the math yourself if you're that curious," she snapped.

The sharp-toothed albino groaned. Both girls rolled their eyes at him.

"She's about fifteen, a year younger than me," Maka told him exasperatedly. "Now will you mind your own business? Zextra will tell us what she wants to when she wants to. It'll be kind of like helping Crona again."

Soul gave her a funny look. "Zextra seems to be the exact opposite of Crona."

"I mean that we'll have to earn her trust slowly and carefully."

"It's not helping that you're talking about me like I'm not here and comparing me to someone I don't know," Zextra told them flatly.

Maka looked at her somewhat apologetically. "Right, sorry. Crona is a friend of ours. I'll introduce you to him in class."

At that moment, Soul stepped forward and opened a large door labeled EAT on a little sign above it. He held the door as Maka and Zextra stepped into the classroom, Zextra observing everything she could at once.

"It's like a coliseum, or something like that..."

Maka and Soul gave Zextra questioning glances at her remark, but kept quiet. Zextra looked at the many rows and levels of curved wooden benches and desks around most of the walls, all facing a large desk in the center of the lowest level. No teacher was in the room yet, but there were already multiple students scattered throughout the seats.

Suddenly Zextra realized how out-of-place her clothing was, and she crossed her arms self-consciously.
To disguise her discomfort, her jaw was set and her eyes were fierce as she gazed around the room.

The students began to notice Zextra, and subdued questions and whispers could be heard from all sides of the room. Maka and Soul realized Zextra was the whisperers' center of attention.

"Hey, Zextra?" She turned and looked at Maka, just a bit nervous. "Why don't you come sit down? You can sit with us."

Zextra nodded, and followed them up the stairs to the mid-level seats.

Hey everyone, Journey of Her Soul is going to be continued, thanks to the encouragement and praise of MissDragonslayer. I'll dedicate this chapter to her for that very reason. (Once I figure out how to dedicate a chapter in-app xD) She's awesome, check her out. :D

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