Chapter 7~

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Ox sneered at Zextra, who ignored the look and slid into her habitual defensive crouch.


"Are you sure you want us to fight her, Ox?" A metalic and male voice asked. A pair of eyes were visible in the blade of Ox's Weapon, shielded by their laser-vision-looking glasses. "If she was put in this class, she's not gonna be defenseless."

"We know how to handle ourselves, Harvar. And she's just a girl," he taunted, "Just a lost little girl."

"Hey Ox!" Maka yelled suddenly, "Remember that I kicked your butt the last time you said something like that!"

"So what?" He laughed humorlessly, "You're a Meister. And you had Soul. She's got nothing on you."

Maka scoffed and didn't bother to reply. Her Weapon, however, did.

"Wow, was that almost a compliment to Maka?" Soul chuckled loudly, leaning forward, "Just so you know, that 'lost little girl' in front of you has fought against more kishin-egg humans than you've seen in your whole pathetic life."

Zextra rolled her eyes, standing from her slight crouch and turning to deadpan at Soul. "Thank you for the dramatic summation of my fighting capabilites."

"Any time," he grinned. Maka smacked him on the back of the head.

"She was being sarcastic, you dummy."

Zextra, while looking at Maka and Soul, could see Kid, Liz and Patty sitting next to them. The sisters' gazes refocused on something behind Zextra, and their eyes widened.

Then Ox lunged at Zextra. She spun out of the path of his blade, her hair flying around her head. When she stopped, Harvar was just touching the ground, and his eyes glared at Ox. "That was a cheater's move, and you know it."

"If you think I can't fight just because I'm a new girl without a special 'Weapon' you people are so fond of," Zextra snarled at the pair of boys, "Then you're too fucking ignorant for me to waste my time or energy fighting."

She turned her back to them and stalked up the stairs nearest to her, heading for her seat with her cousin and the others.

Ragnarok didn't seem happy with the lack of violence. "Come on! Fight! Knock each other senseless!" He was yelling, his voice still grossly whiney, "Blood! Pain! Somebody win!"

"Ragnarok, stop that," Crona told him somewhat firmly, "They don't have to fight."

A faint rushing sound reached Zextra's ears underneath Ragnarok's annoying vocalizations. She turned on her heel, lifting her right hand as she did so. Her fingers closed around Harvar's hilt, and she twirled the Weapon around her hand a few times to dispel his forward momentum. On the final twist, she stopped with Harvar pointing toward his Meister.

Zextra looked at Ox's terrified expression, even as whispering erupted around the room. Stein leaned forward and studied Zextra more closely.

Harvar's eyes appeared on his blade, looking shocked even behind his visor. "H-how...? Y-you can wie-wield me...?"

Zextra glanced at him, before looking around the room. Part of her shrank and wanted to hide from all the eyes focused on her, but a new burst of confidence helped her stand her ground.

"Yes, I can, obviously," she told Harvar directly, before raising her voice to address the class. "The ability of a Meister to hold their Weapon is rooted in the compatibilaty of their soul wavelengths, correct?"

Stein nodded his ascension, his intrigue showing plainly on his face. Actually, almost everyone's expressions betrayed their curiosity.

"It's quite simple why I'm able to wield another's Weapon, and could possibly wield many of the Weapons in the school. My wavelength is varried from the experiences of my past, and so most Weapons are capable of resonating with some part of my soul."
(A/N: It's been awhile since I watched Soul Eater, and idek if a varried soulength is possible, but let's just say it is.)

The class just stared at her. Stein smiled a little, though the slight gleam of crazy in his eyes lasted only a few seconds. Zextra tossed Harvar back to Ox, his official Meister.

She started back up the steps, finally able to take her seat next to Maka once again. Soul leaned around his Meister to look at Zextra.

"Could you wield me? Or Tsubaki or Liz and Patty?"

Maka glared at him, but Zextra tilted her head to the side as she looked at Soul, seemingly thinking. Finally she asked, "What's your Weapon form?"

"I'm a scythe," he said with a grin. "So, do you think you could?"

"Probably," she admitted, "And probably Tsubaki or Liz as well. I'm not sure about Patty."

"Are there any other comments, questions, or concerns regarding our new student?" Stein asked the class.

Several hands slowly ascended into view. Stein nodded toward one, who spoke up timidly. "Soul said she's fought against a lot of kishin-egg humans. How many?"

Stein looked up toward Zextra, one eyebrow raised. She gave a rapid head shake, though in the small range of motion she used, most didn't notice it. Stein turned his attention back to the curious student, replying, "She has asked the staff not to disclose that information, though she has only a rough guess anyways. Anyone else?"

Most hands went down, but one stayed in the air on the other side of the room. The student didn't wait for permission to speak, instead looking straight at Zextra as he blurted out his question, "What did you do with the egg souls?"

Zextra looked away, wishing the class would just start so people weren't so focused on her. "I just left them where I'd killed them," she told him.

A lot of students groaned at the lost potential, causing Zextra to sink further into herself. She did her best to hide between Maka and Liz.

The latter smiled gently at Zextra, and their gazes locked. "It's not your fault, Zextra," she told her newest friend reassuringly, bumping elbows playfully.

"We've wasted enough class time. Let's get to work," Stein announced finally.

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