Chapter 12

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<<A.N. May be triggering, please vote.comment. Dont be a silent reader...>>

The smell of sweet citrus engulfs me. My arms are wrapped around something. No, someone. I slowly open my eyes, to only see black. I raise my head more and look up to see Austin sleeping soundly, his own arms wrapped around me. I’m so short that I only reach his chest. I end up falling back asleep, my head resting on him.


When I wake up this time, it’s light out. My eyes flutter open, to reveal that Austin moved so his face is level with my own. When he breathes out, his warm breath fans over my face. He’s so close to me, but I still feel safe at the same time. I don’t know why I do, but I pull myself closer and nuzzle my face in the crook of his neck. He wakes lightly, only rubbing his eyes, then wrapping his arms around me again and resting his forehead on my shoulder.

“How are you feeling?” Austin mumbles, his voice deep and scratchy from sleep.

“Ok, I guess.” I murmur.

He pulls back so his brown eyes gaze into my green ones. His hand reaches up and tenderly tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, “What’s wrong?”

I break eye contact, I don’t want to tell him what’s really going on. I don’t want him to worry for me more than he already is. “I’m still sore, that’s all,” I voice, which is not a complete lie. He seems content with the response I offered. Austin untangles himself from me and gets up, but I stay in bed.

He chuckles, “Are you going to get up today?”

I reach my arms out, “Can I have a piggy back ride?” I say in my most innocent voice I could muster at the time.

His laugh rises and rings around the room, “It’s legit, right through the door.”

I pout out my lower lip at him. He sighs heavily and sits back down on the bed, his back facing me. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He stands up, his hands grasping my thighs to keep me from falling. He walks into the living area, to find everyone else already up and eating. Austin attempts to put me down, but I just hold on. We head over to the kitchen and he pours himself a bowl of cereal and grabs a thing of yogurt for me, upon my request. He sets the bowl and yogurt on the coffee table next to the couch, but I still hold on. He sighs heavily, then falls on the couch, with me awkwardly hugging him. Alan runs over and get me off, then he jumps on Austin.

“ALAN!” Austin wheezes, over Alan’s cries of laughter.

I giggle and sit down in the middle of the couch, separating Austin and the ginger. Austin shoots Alan dirty glares, but Alan has already zoned into the tv too much to take notice.

“Who wants to go swimming? There’s a pool downstairs,” Tino asks, a bit too much excited.

A chorus of “yes”s come from the others, accept me. First off, my leg may react bad to the chlorine. Second, I have no swim suit and I’d prefer not to swim in my undergarments. Lastly, my cuts and bruises. I look at Alan, but he’s already gotten up to leave.

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