[two] the good guys

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The walk out of the ominous secret laboratory and into the open air feels like it takes an eternity to make. After only halfway or so, the crashing of the others fighting off the few remaining Hydra members becomes a little bit too loud and close for my comfort. Each scream, bang, or other loud noise causes Girl to jump in my arms. I bring up my shield beside her, hoping to offer her some sense of protection; though still shaking, she relaxes ever so slightly in my hold, offering me the opportunity to stroke her hair with my free hand in a soothing manner. She winces at first, but doesn't seem to show any more discomfort or resistance beyond that small reflex. I don't know quite what's compelling me to be so gentle towards this young girl; I'm usually fairly stoic and keep a straight face during missions. But something about her just tugs at my heart; I can't really explain it. I've not had much experience at all with children, and I've never felt this way before. It's just a weird instinct I suddenly have to protect her.

After what seems like forever we finally reach the exit, and with Girl in my arms, I walk out into the light of day. I look down to see her squinting, immediately realizing that she probably hasn't been out in the sunlight for a long, long time. Tony is waiting by the ship; surprisingly, he's listened to my request, carrying a thick white blanket with blue stripes. Bruce stands beside him, fully clothed in his human form. I'm thrown off a bit at first to see him this way, but quickly figure that there's little to no threat left now that we've done most of the intervention.

"Jesus," Tony breathes as he takes in the sight before him. "That's one of Hydra's most prized possessions? She can't be older than six! And it looks like she's lived through a famine, for god's sake!"

Girl shifts at the sound of the new voice, eventually spotting the two men standing just a short distance away from us. As she shrinks up in my arms, I can feel her beginning to shake again. My hand, which had paused for a few moments on top of her head, resumes smoothing over her hair as I speak gently to the frightened girl, "Shh, it's alright," I murmur softly, "these are my friends."

A look of incredible sadness washes over both Tony and Bruce's faces as they watch the poor creature tremble in my arms. Tony takes a few steps forward and offers the blanket for Girl to take, but she cowers back, her bony arms rising to shield her face. Tony's eyebrows raise in guilt and softness as he pulls the object back, clearly not wanting to scare her any further. "Hey, kid. It's okay; I won't hurt you," he says in a quiet voice I don't think I've heard him use before.

Lowering my shield to the ground, I take the blanket from Tony, wrapping it around Girl as gently as I can. She thrashes around a bit, as if it doesn't quite register what I'm doing, or that I'm trying to help her feel safer. "You're alright; it's just to keep you warm," I explain. At this, she settles down slightly, but still looks around with wide eyes, as if she's waiting for the danger to finally present itself.

Bruce clears his throat from behind Tony and takes a step forward. "She looks... sick," he says, almost seeming to be at a loss for words. "We- we can assess her more on the ship. Get her some fluids and make sure there isn't anything too serious," he adds. I nod, picking up my shield again and looking back at the entrance.

Tony buzzes in over the earpiece, asking the others inside, "Are you guys almost done? Cap's got the kid; we're ready to go."

After a few seconds, fuzzy static can be heard and Nat replies, "Just about finished in here. Get on the ship and we'll be out as soon as we can."

I nod to Bruce and Tony and we all begin walking towards the carrier, Girl still in my arms. She looks up at the large carrier with wide eyes, tears beginning to roll down her rosy cheeks once again. "Where are w-we going? Don't hurt Girl," she hiccups.

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