[forty four] a soft place

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Silent tears roll down Willa's puffy cheeks as I glance at her through the rear-view mirror. After her episode that ended with us seated on the parking garage floor, I was eventually able to coax the little girl back into the car-seat positioned in the vehicle, though unfortunately, I wasn't able to do so without bringing her back to the point of tears. The child keeps her mouth clamped shut, not daring to say a word as the city flies by through her window. "We've got a little bit longer before we're there, doll," I inform her soothingly, trying to keep my voice low and steady.

As my vision focuses back on the road in front of me, my mind begins to wander. There's a single question sunken deep into my gut that I can't shake: What did Tony do to her? He ran the trials to study her healing capabilities, that much is clear. But I can't help thinking there's more to this sick situation than just that. Willa's never pushed me away during a flashback like that before, though we've experienced our fair share of joint memories together. Something in the look on her face, the desperation in her voice, gave her away; something truly terrible happened to her. And whatever it is, she doesn't want me to know about it.

"It's just a few blocks out of town, away from all the city traffic," I explain to Willa as the tall buildings surrounding us begin to dwindle. "Nice and quiet, but still close to everything." At this point, I don't even know if she's listening, but as I peek back at her again, I see her staring wide-eyed out her window at her surroundings. Turning down another road, we pull up to the apartment complex, and I turn off into the parking lot. Finding our designated space right in front of our building, I pull in right next to Bucky's blue car, shifting into park. "See? Just like the picture I showed you," I coo softly to the child, hoping to ease any fears she might still be harboring about laboratories. In front of us stands the blue two-story building. The first floor is Bucky's apartment, and the second is ours. It was kind of wild luck that there was a listing for the place just as I started looking.

Shoving my keys in my pocket and unbuckling my seat-belt, I throw my door open, closing it tightly before making my way to Willa's door. Opening it carefully, I smile at her, my heart aching as I notice a few fresh tears built up in her big green eyes. "What d'you say we get you out of that thing and go check the place out together?" I suggest, earning a timid nod from the girl.

Keeping my movements slow and obvious, I reach out and unbuckle the straps over her arms and legs, pulling back slightly to see if she'll lift herself up and out. Instead, she just stares back at me with wide eyes, appearing too afraid to move.

"Would you like me to carry you, sweetheart? Or do you wanna walk on your own?" Willa's bottom lip trembles as her gaze wanders; raising my brow at her gently, I realize she isn't sure what she's allowed to say. "Here, I've got you pumpkin," I murmur as I gather her in my arms, sliding a hand underneath her to support her fragile body. Carrying her like this, she feels as if she weighs nothing at all. Though we've slowly been increasing her intake, her weight still remains a big worry for both me and Bruce. "Let's go in and see, shall we?" I suggest, closing the car door and locking it with my fob.

Quietly, we walk up to the tall blue building, making our way over to the white-painted stairs that lead up to our own little balcony. "Here it is," I say, fumbling in my pocket for the keys. Unlocking the door, I swing it open, stepping inside the entryway. As soon as I've closed the door behind us, a deep sense of settling falls over me. After all this time, finally, finally I've brought her home.

Willa's big eyes peer shyly around the room, her thumb having made its way back up into her little mouth. "What d'you think, doll? Does it look like the pictures?" I ask, causing her to nod quietly. It's a lovely little apartment. The front door leads right into the medium grey living room where I've set up a nice white couch in front of a glass and oak coffee table. Against the wall is a medium-sized television, a narrow bookshelf resting under it that matches the coffee table to hold movies and such. A set of light brown armchairs accompany the couch, providing hopefully enough room for any friends who might come pay us a visit.

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