...Decorating the apartment&leaving to go to Kurt's Pot Luck Dinner...

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The Back Story -What happened between finishing up decorating the apartment and leaving to go to Kurt's Pot Luck Dinner.....

Summary: This is what I would have like to have happened between Sam and Mercedes finishing up the apartment and before they left to go get something to bring to Kurt's Pot Luck Dinner that night...

Mercedes stood before Sam and let him clink his cup against hers before they glanced back up at one of her favorite paintings. There was another minute of peaceful silence after Sam took another sip of the Chai Latte she made for them.

He glanced back at her and cleared his throat, gaining her attention. "Uh, Mercedes. I want to thank you again for letting Blaine and I rent out the room." He said. " I know you didn't have to do it. But, we appreciate it the same. I appreciate it."

Mercedes smiled softly as she looked up at him. "You're welcome, Sam. And as for me not having to do it, think again." She told him before she walked back to the kitchen.

Sam followed as confusion filled his face. "What do you mean?" He asked as he watched her take her cup and rinse it out before placing it in the dishwasher. "I mean, that I need to let you live here." She told him as she turned back to see his cup was now empty. Mercedes took the cup from Sam's hand and rinsed it out before putting it in the dishwasher as well.

She closed the dishwasher door and turned back to see Sam was now closer to her. "Why would you need to have me live here?" He asked her as he looked down into her soft, brown eyes. "I owe you so much, Sam." She said in a soft tone. "If someone would have told me before that week that I would have someone behind me supporting my dreams and finding a way to achieve them," Mercedes said before pausing to laugh a bit. "I would have laughed and told them they were certifiably crazy."

Sam looked down at her and listened attentively as she went on. "But Mr. Schue having Santana, Finn, and I do that assignment got the ball rolling. And for some reason, you decided to record it on your phone, before posting it to youtube.' She said, before looking off to the side. Her eyes grew misty as she continues. "I was so angry at first for Mr. Schue pulling that stunt rigging the contest so we would have to come up with a number and admit what dream we had. I had a dream. But I come from a family of realists. And I also had a backup plan. High school is high school and outside high school is scary. That's why I got accepted into Defiance College. And with my grades, I could pick any other school, like NYU or UCLA."

Sam steps away as he takes a good look at her. She was trying hard not to remember that time. He moved back up to her as he noticed a tear broke free and tried to escape. He used his left thumb and caught it.

"So, how does this connect to letting us live with you? Letting me live with you?" He asked her, causing her to look back at him. "When Rachel mentioned she was moving here to New York. I reminded her that she had somewhere to stay and two parents who supported her dreams. Something I didn't. My dad still thinks this is some pipe dream." She said as the tears started to break free.

Sam continued to quietly listen as he patiently let his thumbs catch each tear as they fell down her cheeks. "I didn't know you were recording the entire thing," Mercedes admitted. "I was pouring out my fears about how I was about to graduate and I was scared of how the world would really be." She said before giving him a small smile.

"Then you needed to talk that day and showed me that you recorded me and posted it on youtube." She said as she shook her head in disbelief and shock like she had the first time. "I couldn't believe all those views and positive comments. I was shocked that people would love seeing me do something I love to do. But when I asked you why did you do that for me, your answer floored me. Sam, you said you believed in me and what I could do. And you had to show me that other people who were complete strangers believed in me too. You were the first to see me as the cream rising to the top." She smiled as the tears flowed faster.

"Sam, you put my face and my voice out there. You gave me the courage to follow my dreams. If it wasn't for you, deciding to take that first step and showing me I could do it. That it could happen, the ball would have never got rolling. And I wouldn't be living my dream or living in New York or in this beautiful place. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for you." She said before took a breath, then continued.

"You did that when we weren't together. The last time we talked was the week of Valentine's day. I broke your heart and you work to help my dream a reality. Sam, the least I could do was let you live here. You and Blaine are dear friends of mine." Mercedes told him before she reached up and grabbed his hands. She pulled them away from her face and held onto them tightly.

Sam gave Mercedes a small smile. "You know that I'd do anything for you. You and I have history." He told her, remembering to play by her rules. Mercedes smiled back and sniffed the remaining tears back before she gave his hands a gentle squeeze. "I know. I feel the same." She replied.

"Let's get cleaned up, Cedes."He told her. "We have to be at Kurt's soon." He said before he started to leave the kitchen. "Sam," Mercedes called out to him. Sam turned around and raised his eyes brows. "Yeah?" He said.

"We weren't together. I broke your heart." She began as she could feel the tears start to come back. "What was the real reason you did that for me?" She asked him. Sam sighed before tilted his head some. "That was the real reason, Mercedes. But, it wasn't the whole reason." Sam admitted. "The truth is plain and simple. I love you and I know you love me. You have a kind heart and you're a good person. I know deep inside you cared for Shane even though you loved me. I was hurt that after everything, including him, finally finding out I couldn't be with you then. Until I did some deep soul searching plus talking to Kurt, Blaine, and Finn. I realized that I needed to give you time. That if I was patient I would have you back. So that day, I busied myself with a distraction while I waited. Making you see that your dreams will come true if you just go for it."

Mercedes stood there with a look of surprise on her face. She couldn't believe what she just heard him confess. She used to wonder sometimes back when they dated if she wished or dreamed up Sam. Because he was too wonderful and it was times like this that proved it. "Sam, can I have a hug?" She asked.

Sam gave a small smirk as he walked back to her and pulled her into a hug. They hugged each other before he quickly pulled away. He looked at her and couldn't help but smile. "Sam, are you okay with playing this by my rules?" Mercedes asked him.

The smile never leaving his lips, Sam causally responded as he started to walk out the kitchen backward. "As I said, if I'm patient I'll have you back." He stopped in his tracks and let the smile drop from his lip while it reminds in his eyes. "Mercedes, I had to move away then you had to move away. You saw someone to take your mind off me moving away and I did the same. Yet, through all of this, we keep finding our way back to each other somehow. So, I'm patient. I can wait for you. I better go shower and get ready." He said before finally turning around and leaving the area.

Once he was gone, Mercedes turned to face the kitchen sink as she tried to mentally calm the racing of her heart, the huge smile on her face from spreading wider, and her body from the shaking it was doing. She knew what she told him when they put up the bookshelf but mentally decided that he would have her back. Sooner than either of them would know if he kept up what he just did. By being the Sam she first fell in love with and has never stopped loving.

The End

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