...Mercedes' Super Surprise For Sam...pt2

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Summary:  Conclusion of  The Back Story - Mercedes' Super Surprise For Sam.

Chapter 2

Sam let his fingers lightly rub against the nipple rings causing Mercedes to gasp and moan into his mouth. She arched her back and tilted up her head as the sensation was overpowering her. Sam broke the kiss and gave her a smile as he glanced from her beautiful face down to her breasts. "You know, Cedes, if I totally accept my gifts from you then you'll have to get ready to accept mine in the morning." He told her as he moved his left hand from her right breast and down between her legs.

Mercedes let her brown eyes glance to where Sam had his hand. She held her breath, focusing on his strong, thick fingers cupping her mound. "Did you hear me, Mercedes?" He said in a sexy tone. All she could do was nod slowly as she watched his index finger move the crotch area of her panties aside before slipping in his middle finger. "Ahh." She gasped aloud while closing her eyes, enjoying the sensation.

Sam smirked as he began to move it in and out. "Mercedes, baby, what does 'Ahh' mean? I don't think that an answer." He told her as he let his finger move faster, causing her to slightly squirm. "I need a yes or a no, baby." Mercedes' eyes began to roll up some before she answered. "Yes, baby. Yes, I heard you. I'll accept your gift. I accept anything you have. I do anything you want, Sam." She spoke in a breathy tone.

"Great." He whispered before continued to get her wet enough for him. She felt him stop causing him to move to his wallet. He pulled out a condom before he took off his boxer-briefs then opened the packet before slipping it on. He looked up at her and watched her blink a few times. She looked so beautiful and she was going to be forever his. He knew he had to let her know the truth before they continued on.

"Mercedes, I love you. I never stopped. You remember when I told you about that older woman when I was stripping." He said to her. Mercedes closed her eyes and scrunched up her nose before she spoke. "Sam, you're kind of ruining the moment." Sam moved his left hand over her thigh and began to rub it. " Please, Mercy. This is serious." He said in a serious tone. Mercedes opened her eyes back and sighed. "Yes, Sam." Mercedes stated. "She was one of many. What's the point?"

Sam moved closer in between Mercedes' legs and continued to rub her thigh. "The truth is she was it. I felt so dirty and used, even though I made enough money to help my family with the bills, food, and enough to take care of the house until my mom and dad saved enough paychecks to makes ends meet. The only way I truly got through it was to close my eyes and shut down. I imagined I was with you. It saved me. Then when it was over, I never was with anyone else like that."

Mercedes stared at Sam in disbelief. He hadn't been with anyone else sexually. "Even though that one time a condom was used, I still got tested and made sure I stayed clean. Not sure if it would happen, but I held out hope for us. I prayed that if we could be together again, I could wait." He told her. "So, even though I kissed Brittany, Tina, and Penny that was all. Kisses and hand holding."

She looked at him before she spoke in a soft, scared tone. "Why are you telling me this, Sam?" Sam leaned over her and looked into her face. He could see tears trying to form in her eyes and it caused his heart to stop. "Because I wanted you to know that one time I didn't do a good job. And that I have given myself hand jobs. Each time I did just like that first and only time, I thought of you and me together. Even living with you, I would go to the bathroom and take care of it. Because I had needs but my love for you was stronger. I want you to know that we are doing this together and it will be a wonderful first-time experience." He told her as he began to cry himself.

Mercedes opened her arms to him. Sam moved closer and positioned himself at her opening before he eased in bit by bit. Once he was inside some, he began to move in and out very slowly. Sam pulled Mercedes up some so he could wrap his arms around her. Mercedes shifted some, giving Sam more access to go deeper. Once he was all the way in they both found a slow but steady rhythm.

She pushed the back of her head deep into the pillow. While Sam pushed his face deeper into the side of her neck. They both softly moaning and groaning as her hands move up and down his back and his ass. She was so glad that she was with Sam and that she decided to just throw caution to the wind. All the love she saw on tour made her miss him so. And now that they are making love together, she didn't care about tomorrow.

The tour was her career and her dream but Sam and being with him now was her fantasy. He was her past and her present and damn if her love for him was just getting stronger. Mercedes could feel her toes curl and body tingle. She wondered if she was coming when Sam answered for her. "I'm coming, Mercy."

"I think I am too." She said with a moan. Mercedes felt hers first, followed by Sam's They both felt their bodies stretch down to their feet before he collapsed on top her. Sam caught his breath before moving off Mercedes then pulling her close. "How did you like it?" He asked her. Mercedes smiled and leaned in to kiss his lips. She pulled away to look in his eyes. "I really liked it. And I love you so much." She told him. "Good, because it's only going to get better," Sam said before he corrected himself. "If you still want to be with me at the end of the tour."

Mercedes was about to comment on what he said, but Sam cut her off and changed the subject. "So about those nipple rings?" He said with a smile. "Do you like them?" She asked him, smiling. "Heck, yeah! I love them and I love you." Sam told her. "Were they just for tonight?" He asked. "Nope. They are permanent." She said. "Unless you want them gone." "Are you kidding me?" He said before he lifted her breasts up to kiss then lick each nipple before he spoke up." For as long as we can keep them, let them stay." Sam's statement caused Mercedes to laugh before they kissed then made love again.

The next day, everyone was packed up and at the airport. Sam said hi to Brittany, Santana, Mike, and Marley before spending time alone with Mercedes. Sam sat her on his lap as they tried to hold onto what time they had left. They sat waiting for their planes to finally board when she playfully tugged his right ear. "Hey, you forgot to give me your gifts." She said to him.

Sam reached into his carry on bag and pulled out an envelope. "This is for you. Once the tour finally ends,you're still single, and you still feel the same way call me and use what's in the envelope. "First call to board for Cleveland, Ohio with a stop in Lima." The announcer spoke overhead. Mercedes reluctantly got up from his lap then watched Sam get up and gather his bag. She looked down at his shoes before he pulled her close for a hug. "I love you, you know," Sam stated in a whisper. "I know. I love you, too." Mercedes replied, hugging him back.

He moved the left hand from around her and placed it under her chin. Sam made Mercedes' look into his eyes before kissed her. Mercedes removed her hands from around his neck and brought them to his shoulders. She held onto them for dear life while continued to kiss before the announcer interrupted them. "Last call to board for Cleveland, Ohio."

That made Sam and Mercedes break apart. He adjusted his bag on his shoulder before letting his green eyes twinkle at her. "Bye Mercedes." He said, moving away from her. "Bye, Sam." She said, loud enough for only him to hear. She watched Sam walk away before heading to the boarding gate. He turned and waved, causing the tour members along with Mercedes to wave back. Once he was finally gone, their plane was announced.

After everyone boarded and was seated, the plane got ready for take-off. After she sat next to Santana and Brittany, she opened the envelope. Inside was a letter and a plane ticket.


Last night was honestly the best night of my life, so far. I had to write to you and explain the ticket. I love you and I made love to you. I don't know when but someday I will marry you. I know. After you win your first Grammy. I think it'll be in a couple of years. Your second or third hit album. Then we'll be husband and wife.

After loving you over and over last night, I know I can truly be a patient man. But you're are this shining star and are loved and adored by many. If you still feel the same way as we did last night and even today when the time is right, use the plane ticket. When you land, call me and I'll come to pick you up.

Love you, baby.


Mercedes, glanced at the plane ticket to see it was dated in a month and destination was Lima. Mercedes couldn't wait until the end of the tour. She glanced around before she had already decided that she would be using the ticket and calling Sam.

The End.

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