...What Happened After Sam Confessed to Mercedes about Sort of Cheating...

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The Back Story -What happened After Sam confessed to Mercedes about Sort of Cheating on her....

Summary: What happened after Sam confessed to Mercedes about sort of Cheating on her, when that photographer tried to make a move on him.

The two of them sat there after it was all over. Sam wanted to say something to ease her mind, but Mercedes beat him to it. "No matter how far away we are from each other, you'll always be in here." She told him as she gently patted a spot over her left breast. "You not only had a spot in my heart, Sam. You had it all." Sam swallowed the air in his throat as he stared at her with love. "Mercedes, you might not have been my first love." He paused before he took her hand in his to caress it. "But you were most definitely my true love." He admitted to her. "And since I'm confessing from my heart and soul, I might as well confess it all." He told her.

Mercedes' heart swelled when she heard that she was his true love. So she wondered what else could he say to top that. She quietly looked at him as he exhaled a deep breath and continued. "I thought you were someone I wanted to get know since I saw you sing when I first joined glee club. But I thought you would never be interested in me." He said as he glanced at her. "Yeah, I was with Quinn, who cheated on me with her ex. I was with Santana, who only used me as her beard. Losing my virginity as a stripper wasn't love. It wasn't even something I think about a lot. It was a necessity. I had to make sure my family would have enough money to get through for a good while." He sighed.

"Brittany and Penny were because I was lonely and you broke up with me. I wanted to feel love again. And tried to find it with them. Brittany truly only loves two things in life. Lord Tubbington and Santana. And Penny was someone I knew I shouldn't have been with. She was pretty and she flirted with me. Tina felt left out and wanted to know how it felt to kiss me. Again, I wanted to feel love again. It wasn't there. It was like kissing a friend. Nothing more." Sam said in a ramble.

Mercedes listen to him pour his heart out and watched the look of sadness in his eyes as he talked about females that were in his past. Then his eyes lit up when he talked about one female that was not only in his past but in his present. Her. "The thing I began to learn in between each of them were they weren't you. Each time we found our way back to each other I would feel that love I had been looking for. And these months we've been back together I finally learned the truth." He said as he let go of her hand and held her face. "That the love I wish for all of my life. That the love I tried and didn't find with any of the others was one woman. You. My heart beats stronger when you're around. I feel more of a man when I get to love you, protect you, hold you, and be with you."

Mercedes couldn't stop the tears from falling as she watched the light in Sam's green eyes. They seemed brighter as he continued to confess his feelings to her. "It's why I don't mind waiting until we're married.Why with you I can see the kids, house, and dog. It's also why I can see us not only marrying but when. Just like I can wait for sex. I can wait for you. No matter how long it takes. I want to continue to prove to us both that we're not only perfect for each other, but we're meant to be."

Sam removed his hands from her face and began to wipe away the tears that fell down her beautiful face. "And even though we're broken up, it's okay. We'll be back together. After all, look at everything we've been through since we first got together. With each breakup, we were reunited and our love grew stronger." He said before let his left hand go around her neck to rest at her nape. "But, I promise you this. When we get back together, it will be forever. Nothing will ever come between us again. Nothing will separate us again. We will grow old together and even when I take my last breath, Mercedes, I will never stop loving you. I will wait for you so we can be together in Heaven."

Mercedes was deeply touched by his heartfelt confession. She was going to tell him how much she loved him but Sam didn't give her a chance. He dove in and kissed her passionately one last time. Letting her know through their kiss that he knew. And they'll be back together soon enough.


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