...Mercedes & Sam talk on the phone during her tour...

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The Back Story -Mercedes & Sam talk on the phone during her tour

Summary: Another one-shot about Mercedes and Sam talking on the phone towards the end of her tour.

Mercedes had finally arrived at her hotel room. She pulled out her card key before she smiled and waved at Santana and Brittany before they went into their room. She then waved at the rest of her dancers and band before they went into their rooms.

When they all left her in the hallway, she dropped her smile and sighed before she opened the door to her room. She slipped the do not disturb sign on the outside of the door before she locked it up for the night. Mercedes tossed her things in a nearby sofa chair before she sat on the edge of the bed and began to take off her shoes.

She didn't realize how many people were going to couple up on her tour. It started with her introducing Santana and Brittany to everyone. When they learned that the ladies were a couple and Mercedes was fine with it, everyone seems to want to have someone with them. Even her band leader, Freddie, said no one wants to truly be on the road alone. It's why people hook up during tours. People get lonely when all they see are crowds of fans and hotel rooms all the time.

Mercedes never realized how true that was until they were in their sixth month of touring. Yeah, sixth months so far. The first leg of the tour during summer was so great, the record company wanted to add more months. And that made a lot of her crew want to find someone to spend time with during off days and hours.

Something she never truly considered until she would spend time in her room wired up or bored and want to hang out with someone. Brittany and Santana would at first, but the way they would be snuggling with each other making out, made Mercedes feel like a third wheel.

So she stopped asking to hang out with them as much as she used to. She knew they had a lot of time to make up after being apart for so long. And she was fine with that.

She sighed as she was now changed into her clothes for bed. Mercedes got on her knees to pray before she got back up to get into bed. Laying in the big bed, she closed her eyes to go to sleep but the quietness was getting to her.

She grabbed her phone from the nightstand and stared at it. She tapped on it a few times before she came to a familiar name and number. She stared at the picture she had assigned to it while she mentally wished it to ring. She scoffed at the silly idea and was about to put the phone down when it began to ring. She glanced at it to see who was calling when her eyes went wide in surprise.

She answered it on the second ring and spoke softly into the line. "Hello?" "Mercedes, it's Sam?" His deep voice spoke through the line. "Hey, Sam." She said as she sat up in bed. "How are you?" He asked her. "I'm fine." She told him. "Really?" He said. "I just had a feeling you needed me."

Mercedes closed her eyes and mouthed thank you before she spoke back to him. "Well," She began. "I did, but I didn't want to bother you." She told him. "Mercedes, you can bother me anytime you want to. Day or night." He said with happiness in his voice." Thank you for saying that." She told him. "I needed to hear that, Sam. It seems that even with all these people on tour with me and the big crowds, I feel so alone. Like there's no one here for me. I mean for me, you know what I mean?" She said to him.

"I know," Sam told her. "Well, no matter what, always know I'm here. And if there is no one there for you, I will always be here for you. Just think of me when you need me. I'll be there watching over you, Mercedes. Loving you. Being proud of you. Bragging about you. Encouraging you when you need it. Whatever you need or want, I'll be there in spirit. Right by your side." He softly told her. "Okay?"

Mercedes felt a couple of tears fall as she nodded. "Okay. Sam, can I still call you? I mean, you may be busy and all." She said, trying not to ramble. Sam chuckled a bit and she almost see him smile as he spoke. "Of course. And just to put you at ease, I'll call every now and then to give you some positive and encouraging vibes. Even I have to leave them on your voice mail." He told her.

Mercedes felt so much better as she nodded once again. "Okay. Sam, thanks again for calling. I needed this." She stated. "Anytime, beautiful. I'll let you get some rest. Good night, Mercedes." He told her.

"Good night, Sam." She said before she called to him again. "Sam?" "Yeah?" He asked. "I love you." She said. Sam paused for a minute before stared at his cell. He stared at the speakerphone button lit up while tears fell from his eyes. His heart swelled up as he remained silent. Sam glanced at the pic of the two of them before he finally spoke. "I love you, too, baby. Get some rest. You have a concert tomorrow." He said as his voice got hoarse.

"I will. Night." She said once again before she hung up. Sam sat on the edge of his bed as he looked at the wall, thankful he decided to call her. He needed to go to sleep himself. He had to finish working on the studio he was building for her in the den of their future home.

Mercedes started to fall asleep, feeling so much better now that she talked to Sam. She knew she would make it through the rest of the tour without feeling lonely. Even though they were no longer together, she had the love of her life watching over her from where ever he was. And that made her heart become full and satisfied.


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