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Alana's POV

"Mom? Dad? I'm home!" I yelled into the house, hauling in my suitcase with Shawn following behind me. After New York, Shawn and I went straight to California for my niece, Layla's, fifth birthday.

Silence. I walked more into the house and walked into the kitchen, leaving Shawn at the front door. Nobody seemed to be home so I went back.

"I don't think anyone's home. Do you want to go pay Elle a visit?"

"Sounds good" Shawn smiled. We left our suitcases in the guest room upstairs then went into my dark grey Jeep Wrangler. I turned on the engine and started heading towards Elle's house.

I parked in her driveway then Shawn and I got out of the car, and walked to her front door. I rang the doorbell and waited for her to answer.

Commotion could be heard from the other side of the door until it finally opened. The other side revealed a man wearing nothing but a white towel around his waist. "Hi. May I help you?"

I looked up at Shawn as he looked down at me then looked back at the strange man in my friend's home.

"Um. Is Elle home?"

"Ah. Mi amore? Why yes, she's in the tub. Why do you ask?"

I nodded my head, confused. "Can you um. Can you tell her that Alana's here?"

"Sure thing" He said, closing the door in front of us.

I pointed to the door, then looked back up at Shawn. "Did you see that?"

He nodded his head, one of his eyebrows raised. "Yeah. I did. Do you know who that was?"

"No clue"

All of a sudden, the door bursts open, revealing Elle in a white bathrobe, hair in a messy bun. "Alana! Shawn! You're here!" She jumped up and down, pulling us both in for a hug. We walked into her house, sitting down on the couch in her living room.

"So. What brings you two home?"

"Layla's birthday" Shawn answered.

"She's growing up so fast, isn't she?"

I looked around the room, no evidence of the strange man to be found. "Uh, Elle?"

"Hmm?" She asked, looking at me.

"Who was the guy who answered the door?"

Her eyes widened, lips turning to a grin. "That's Timothy. My boyfriend!"

"Oh. That's Timothy?! Why am I only meeting him now?"

"I'm sorry, Alana. I'm not the one who left her life behind to go off with Mr. Prince Charming over here and live Happily Ever After"

"Well, I guess that I'm sorry. I'm not the one who hasn't been calling her best friend back so we can have our weekly discussions"

"Woah, girls. I think we should all calm down a bit" Shawn's eyes widened with concern.

Elle and I both looked at each other and started laughing.

"What? What is it?" Shawn asked.

"That's what we do" Elle caught her breath. "We banter about things that people would usually get mad at"

"You two have an odd friendship"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I think it's more of a sister-ship"

"Definitely" Elle agreed, nodding her head.

The door to Elle's bedroom opened, causing us all to look up. Timothy walked out and towards us, finally wearing some clothes, a white shirt and grey sweatpants.

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