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Alana's POV

I was sleeping peacefully in my comfortable bed when a sudden commotion caused me to wake up. My mom came in with a speaker and was blasting All I Want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey.

"I DON'T WANT A LOT FOR CHRISTMAS. THERE IS JUST ONE THING I NEED" She screamed the lyrics as she danced around the room.

I covered my face with one of the pillows on the bed. "MOM IT'S TOO EARLY FOR THIS"



She turned down the music and walked towards me. "Get up child" She whispered. "You're finally going to get Shawn's surprise"

"If it's not him, I don't want it"

The bed shifted as she sat down next to legs. "Alana. Shawn wouldn't want you to be sulking about him on Christmas"

"Well that's what I'm doing" I took the pillow off my face and sat up. "I miss him mom"

"I know you do and there's nothing you can do about it. If you sulk all day, so is your baby. Do you want that?"


"Then get out of bed and get dressed. We're taking a trip"

"A trip? This early in the morning? I'm going to murder him"

"Those pregnancy hormones of yours certainly make you sassy"

I stood up from the bed. "Sorry mom. Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas" She smiled. "Now. Get dressed and meet us downstairs"

I took a shower and dressed myself in a green, long sleeved flowy dress with red floral designs on it. I curled my hair, applied some lip balm, and grabbed my bag.

My mom, dad, and I went into their car and we started driving. "So can you tell me where exactly we're going?"

My dad looked at me through the rear view mirror. "Nope"

We drove for about five minutes to the new neighborhood that was being built next to my parents' neighborhood. We stopped in front of a beautiful and large house.

(Author's Note: I'm going to be putting pictures of the house throughout the story so you guys can get a good visual picture)

(Author's Note: I'm going to be putting pictures of the house throughout the story so you guys can get a good visual picture)

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My dad stopped the car, we all went out and walked to the front door. My mom rung the doorbell and we waited. "Mom, Dad, what are we doing here? Who's house is this?" I whispered.

"Wait" My mom whispered back.

The door finally opened and revealed Elena in a green sweater with black jeans and brown heeled boots. "Come on in!" She exclaimed.

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