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Alana's POV

No one knows I'm here. Not even Andrew. I wore a black hoodie, some light blue mom jeans, a huge sun hat to cover my face, and a pair of  sunglasses. I signed in for my diamond VIP pass and followed the line where a couple of other girls were standing, walking into the Shawn Access Experience and waiting to meet Shawn.

We were in the experience where Shawn's guitars were hung up, along with some outfits he wore throughout his lifetime. The girls in front of me were almost to the front of the line and they bounced excitedly.

One of the girls looked back at me and gave me a smile, her eyebrow curved in confusion because of my state. I decided to take off my sun hat and the glasses.

Her eyes widened. "Madame Mendes! Hi!" She said with a French accent. The girls around me in the line all gasped and I smiled at them and took a couple of photos with those who asked.

I was next in line and I put on my hat and sunglasses back on. I could see Jake by the entrance of the meet and greet area.

"Jake!" I whisper yelled. He looked over at me, confused.

I brought my sunglasses down and his eyes widened. "Hi!" He whisper yelled back.

He looked over and cleared his throat. "NEXT" He yelled.

I walked into the little hallway to Jake. "This way ma'am" He motioned his hand to the entrance.

"Thanks Jake" I whispered. He gave me a pat on the shoulder.

I walked in and bright lights were set up. Shawn stood tall, wearing a white tank top underneath a denim unbuttoned button up and black jeans.

"Hi" He smiled, a glint in his eyes screamed, why is this lady wearing a huge hat.

I took of the sun hat and the glasses and plopped them on the ground in front of me. "Hi love bug" I grinned.

"Honey!" He ran over and lifted me up, giving me a spin. "What are you doing here?!"

"I decided to surprise you" He placed his hands on the sides of my head and kissed me.

"You guys don't have much time!" Jake said loudly from outside the room.

"Come on. What pose do you want to do?" Shawn led me in front of the camera. Behind us was a wall with different flowers and in the middle, it read Shawn Mendes the Tour.

"Why don't we do the classic prom pose? Where you're hugging me from behind"

He chuckled. "Cheesy" He went behind me and placed his hands on my stomach.

The photographer started to count down. "Three"

I quickly grabbed the pregnancy test and the picture of the baby from the ultrasound, from my back pocket and smiled. The camera flashed and our picture was taken. I turned around and looked at Shawn, the test and picture faced towards him.

"Surprise!" I smiled.

His eyes widened. "You're kidding?!"

"Nope" The camera flashed behind me.

"You're pregnant?! I'm going to be a dad?!"

"Yup" I nodded my head.

He stood there, silenced and shocked. "I can't believe it. You're pregnant" He gave me a large bear hug, squeezing the life out of me. He took the sonogram and looked at it.

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