Chapter 6: He Deserves To Know

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Chapter 6: He Deserves To Know

 Dylana’s POV- 

 I awoke to the shouting of Mr. Gibbs, awaking the entire crew and getting us all to our feet. I threw my boots on and tied my red sash around my waist. 

 I ran out from below deck with the rest of the crew, just then realizing that I had not been assigned a position the day before, while it seemed everyone else had. 

“Gibbs!” I shouted over, and jogged over to where he was standing. 

 “Ah! Ms. Dylana! Right! I meant to tell you. Cap’in wants you in the crows nest... He thinks you’ll the the least amount of damage there...” he informed me. 

I looked down. It still hurt to know my own father hated me. I nodded and turned to head for the crows nest, but Gibbs grabbed my shoulder before I could take a step. 

 I turned to face him, and he continued to hold his hand onto my shoulder. 

“I’m sorry, Ms. Dylana. If he knew, he’d understand...” he said quietly. I just shook my head and turned to leave.

 Gibbs didn’t understand. I didn’t want Jack to like me because I was his daughter. I wanted him to like me for myself. Without having to know I was his daughter. And so far, he hates me. 

 I climbed up to the crows nest, amazed at how much higher it was than I thought. I always adored heights, I always felt like I was flying above the world. I always dreamed of being a bird. Soaring above the clouds. I suppose you could say it was just another one of my stupid lost teenage dreams..

But this was horrible. I felt so... Alone and thrown away, like I could very easily die and nothing would be different. Which was absolutely true at this point. I was just a wave in the middle of the ocean. Nothing would be different if I was gone. Another wave would simply come along and replace me.

 “Room for another?” I heard a voice say from slightly below the nest. I spun around. 

It was Will, not to my surprise. I nodded and returned to stare off in the direction I was before. Will climbed up into the nest and stood next to me. 

 I didn’t know quite what to say, but I was mad and upset, so I felt defensive that he was even there., standing next to me. 

 “What’d you want?” I asked, almost to rudely.

“Nothing. Just saw that Gibbs sent you up here... and heard what he said to you. If Jack knew what?” he asked.

 I felt panic rising in my mind, but I also felt like I didn’t care anymore. Not like Jack will care either way.

 “He... Um... Nothing.” I said, not wanting to answer truthfully at the moment.

"Oh come now, Dylana. You can trust me. Remember, I’m not a pirate.” he smiled, and I suddenly realized that he was right. He was the only one I could trust. I shouldn’t even technically trust Gibbs... He was Jack’s first mate, AND he’s a pirate. I can’t trust anyone on this ship really. Especially not even my own father. 

 I turned to face Will, trying to decided if I truly wanted to expose my secret to this man I hardly knew. But I figured, whats the harm? The worst thing that can happen is that Jack with discover that he has a daughter, and with that he'd probably treat me better anyway... 

 “Captain Sparrow had... A brief relationship with my mother. About 18 years ago I think. They stayed together for about two years I believe... Before my mother left without telling Jack why or where she was going...” I hinted. He didn’t catch on. 

 I sighed. “My mother and Jack had a relationship. That started two years before I was born, ended 9 months before I was born.” I hinted once more. Finally, his eyes widened slightly and he looked deeply into my eyes. 

 “You’re Jack’s daughter?...” He said questionably, but I know he was certain of himself. Certain that I was, in fact, Jack’s long lost child. I nodded, and he smiled again. 

 “Why are you smiling?!” I raised my voice at him. “I’m his only known daughter and he hates me! He literally sent me up here specifically because he thought this was the only job I wouldn’t screw up! You saw him when he first met me! Not the best first expression!” 

 Will stopped smiling and looked at me. “But why would you not just tell him? I mean... He would treat you better if he knew I’m sure.” he responded. 

 I rolled my eyes. “But you don’t understand! I want Jack to like me for me! Not just because I’m his only known child! I wanted him to like me simply because I was... Me..” I explained, frustrated that another person didn’t understand. 

 Will nodded, as though he understood. “I get it. And your secret is safe with me. But you need to tell him Dylana. He deserves to know.” he said, before falling silent and we both simply peered over the horizon for what was probably hours.

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