Chapter 8: Keep To The Code

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Chapter 8: Keep To The Code

 Dylana’s POV- 

 I had to tell him. I already agreed with Will that I would, and there was not turning back now. The only problem now was that I had to figure out how... How do you tell someone that their lover, who is now dead, left them because they were pregnant with their only child. It’s just not an easy thing to do... 

 At first, I thought I’d talk it over with  Will, but I finally concluded that this was my job. This had to come from me, originally and from my own heart. 

Sadly, this would have to wait for now. Because just as I was walking to the upper deck, I heard Will and Gibbs talking about something much more important. 

 The storm had died down and the sun was now peering out from behind the dark clouds, floating along with us as though they were part of the ocean. Will and Gibbs were standing near the side of the ship.

 “How is it that Jack came by that compass?” Will asked Gibbs, looking over at the determined Mr. Sparrow, glaring at his compass. 

 “Not much known about Jack Sparrow before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the treasure of the Isla de Muerta. That was before I met him, back when he was Captain of The Black Pearl.”.

 I hurried over to stand with them by the railing of the ship, interested in getting to know my father’s legend. 

 “What? You failed to mention that.” I spoke up, engaging in the conversation. 

 “Well, he plays things closer to his vest now,” Gibbs started, “And a hard-learned lesson it was. See, three days out on the venture, the first mate comes to him and says everything’s an equal share. That should mean the location of the treasure too, so Jack gives up the bearings. That night, there was a mutiny. They marooned Jack on an island  and left him to die. But not before he’d gone mad with the heat. 

 “Ah. So that’s the reason for all the....” Will began, and then mimicked the way Jack swayed as he spoke. I’d think the swaying was because of the Rum, not the heat. 

 “Reason’s got nothing to do with it. Now fellas,” Gibbs went on, referring to me as on of the guys, “when a man is marooned, he is given a pistol with a single shot - one shot. Well it won’t do much good hunting or to be rescued. But after three weeks of a starvin’ belly and thirst, that pistol will start to look real friendly. But Jack- he escaped the island, and he still has that one shot. Oh, but he won’t use it, though, save for one man. His mutinous first mate.”

 “Barbossa.” Will said quietly, almost under his breath.

  “Aye.” Gibbs responded, glancing over at Jack for a moment. 

 “How did Jack get off the island?” I asked, stealing a glance at the ocean, imagining being stranded alone on a spit of land in the middle of it. Not unlike Tortuga... 

 “Well, I’ll tell ye. He waded into the shadows and there he waited, three days and three night, till all manner of sea creature came and acclimated to his presence. And on the fourth morning, he roped himself a couple of sea turtles, lashed ‘em together, and made a raft.”.

 I laughed. I didn’t believe it. I probably should, but it seemed such a stretch for a story. 

“He roped a couple of sea turtles?” Will asked, obviously thinking the same as I. 

“Aye. Sea turtles.”.

 “What did he use for rope?” Will asked once more, stealing the questions from my own mind. Gibbs looked confused. Jack had obviously never told him that detail of the story. Sometimes I worry for Gibbs. He’s quite naive sometimes. 

 “Human hair... From my back.” We all heard a voice behind us, a voice held by non other than Captain Sparrow himself.

“Let go of the anchor!” He shouted directly after, not giving us a chance to retaliate. 

 He began to march off, with the sway that Will had just been speaking of. I followed, determined to discover if the stories were true or not.

 “From your back? Human hair would hardly be able to hold anything together, 'specially not sea turtles with back hair!” I shouted at him, attempting to walk at the same speedy pace as he. 

 “Oye! What is it you want young missy? You are to no value of this crew so far and now you DARE to doubt me?” He yelled at me, burning a hole in my heart without knowing how horrible it hurt. “Gibbs!” He shouted, motioning for Mr. Gibbs. 

 “You said that you would keep this girl under your watch, if you do not control her, she’s out. She has proven nothing to me. You said she’d be better to have than a whole crew? Prove it.” he directed Gibbs. “Aye, Cap’in.”.

 “Young Mr. Turner and I are to go ashore.” Jack informed us.

“What are we doing here?” I asked, before Jack gave me a look of hate. “Aye... Sorry..” I said, and backed away, knowing I did not belong. At list point I may as well be dead. I fled my old life in search of my father, and here I was... Dreading that I ever met him... 

 “Captain! What if the worst should happen?” Gibbs asked, almost in shock.

“Keep to the code.” Jack instructed, and walked off, grabbing Will on his way away.

“Aye, the code..”.

 “What code are we to keep to if the worst should happen?” I asked Gibbs and he trotted over to the side of the ship.

“Pirate code. Any man who falls behind, is left behind.” he answered quietly, a solum look on his face. 

 No. Absolutely not. “Thats bloody bullshit!” I shouted at him, trying to keep up with him as he paced along the ship.

Suddenly, he violently turned to face me, seeming outraged. “I got you a spot on this crew so you could meet your father! You’ve met him! Now you can either tell him and get him off your back, or leave! Go on! The life boat’s right there!” Gibbs shouted at me over the sound of crashing waves, gesturing to the life boat. 

 I didn’t know what to think. Gibbs, the only other person I had who knew my mother aside from Jack, was telling me to leave. So. What’s the point of staying?

 I turned on my heel, and headed for the life boat that Will and Jack were about to leave in, not saying another word to Gibbs. 

 “Oy! Wait!” I shouted at Will before they lowered the boat into the water.

“What?” Jack retaliated.

“I’m leaving your bloody crew. Drop me at the nearest spit of land. Anywhere’s better than here. You call yourselves pirates? Ha!” I shouted at Jack as I climbed in the life boat, getting slightly to close to him as I shouted. I was outraged. I believed I would get to know my father and perform piracy with him, but instead, I was being tossed away like and old piece of parchment. 

 “Dylana. You can’t stay here. It’s not a place for someone to live.” Will demanded, but I wouldn’t budge. Instead, he sighed and lowered the boat into the water, preparing to leave me for my very certain doom.

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