Chapter 7: The Storm-Of Literal and Emotional

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Chapter 7: A Storm-Of Literal and Emotional 

Will’s POV-

 “How can we sail to an island that nobody can find, with a compass that doesn’t work?!” I shouted over the crashing of the waves and the pounding of the rain, feeling like shards of glass were erupting against my skin with ever drop. 

 “Aye, the compass doesn’t point north, but we’re not trying to find north, are we?” Mr. Gibbs shouted back at me. I don’t know what on earth he meant, but I still only had Jack’s word to go by, so I held onto my hopes.

 “Where’s Dylana?” I shouted at him once more, but this time he didn’t respond. Instead, he just glared up at the crows nest and then went to talk to Jack.

 “We should drop canvas, sir!” I heard Gibbs shout to Jack.

“She can hold a bit longer.” Jack demanded.

“What’s in your head that’s put you in such a fine mood, Captain?” Gibbs asked. 

 “We’re catching up.” Jack responded. 


 I scurried my way up to the crows nest, taking all I had not to slip and wall to my obvious death-by-height. I had to find out if Dylana was up there, and I had to get her down immediately. I don’t care what Jack has to say about it, but she does not need to be up there at a time like this. 

 “Dylana!” I shouted over the deafening wind blowing through my ears. “Aye!” I heard her shout back, and I finally got a glance of her. 

 “Get down from there! It’s far to dangerous!” I shouted at her, having to close my eyes, or else I’d be blinded by the rain.

“Did Jack give the order to?” she shouted back at me. I didn’t know what to say. I simply had to lie. I knew she wouldn’t come down unless I did.

“Yes! He did! Now c’mon!” I shouted at her, before I saw her begin to climb down. She followed me down, and I motioned for her to come below deck. 

 “Are you crazy?!” I shouted at her when we finally got below deck and away from the rain.

“No! I had to do what I was ordered to do! If I didn’t... Jack would’ve hated me forever I’m sure! He already does! I can’t afford to screw this up, Will! I need my father!...” She shouted at me, and for a moment I couldn’t tell if her face was wet with tears or rain, but as soon as she looked down and buried her head in her hands, I knew it was tears this time. 

 I walked over to her and put an arm around her, leading her over to a chair nearby. I took off my coat and wrapped it around her shoulders, although it was wet the same has hers, it was still warmth. 

 I said nothing, not wanting to upset her any further.

 “I can’t go any longer without my father. I’ve been alone and fending for myself for four years, Will! I just want someone to give a shit for once ya know?! I realized when I was up there that it doesn’t matter if I live or die at this point. I make no difference anymore.” she exclaimed, but she seemed to be calming down a bit now. 

 “You know... My father was apparently a pirate as well. He’s known to be dead now. So I understand the hardship that you’re going through, Dylana. But I think you need to tell Jack. It’s tearing you apart, and he deserves to know.” I explained. It was true. I couldn’t stand to see this poor girl like this. She was miserable and it was obvious. 

 Aside from responding, she just looked at me and nodded. Now we just had to pray to God that Jack would respond in a positive way. 

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