Chapter 1

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Solomon's P.O.V.

Solomon knew he was in trouble.

He knew that when they took his sister.

Now, he has no one and nothing all the same.

Being on the run takes alot from you thats for sure. Never really knowing who can you trust is hard too, but looking around himself right now, his only thought is 'What the f-'

"Where am I?"

Trying to get familiar with his surroundings, all he could distinguish from the dim light was a cavern, a quite big cavern to say the least filled with stalactites covering the ceiling while stalagmites doting the floor...

'Wait a minute! Light?'

Cautiously stepping in the light's direction, he starts noticing abnormal things. Various gems dotted the cave too. A green gem reminding Simon of the random key he found in the fores-

'Wait, where is the key?'

He stops walking, digging into his pocket to look for the thing he found in the forest.

"I found it!" He said before turning ghastly pale as he realized he wasn't alone.

Another figure was ten meters behind shrouded in shadow and darkness. It was tall, taller than him for sure and very creepy. Whatever it was, one thing was for sure, it was looking right at him.

"What are you?" Was the first thing that came to mind and unknowingly and very stupidly he said it aloud.

"I am what I am." Was the only answer given.

'Stupid people and their stupid riddles... is it a person?'

"I ask you again. What are you?" Curiosity taking over him. Once the light showed what it was he realized. The thing in front of him bore no resemblance to a human.

It's jaw took up more than half of its face. Skin charred like charcoal, black beady eyes and elongated limbs made this creature look like it just came from a deep, maybe even the deepest parts of hell.

It's tattered clothing hung to its skin in a way that looked a bit too tight for the monster and it was covered in a substance that looked suspiciously like blood... but blood wasn't blue right..?

Solomon was shaken out of his stupor when the monster replied...

"I am what I am... and I am hungry"
Before Solomon can process this, the monster lunged.

A scream permitted the air.

One of pain, anguish and fear before it went silent...

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