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Chapter 8

|Nicole " NiNi " Thomas|

I couldn't show my face around campus. I just couldn't. It was too much to watch people whisper and point at me. So I stayed away.

I don't talk to Khail unless it's project related. I don't have time for him or his bullshit ass games anymore. It's bad enough that I feel bad about myself. It's bad enough I'm almost at my breaking point in life till were I want to just give up. I can never catch a break.

Ever since was happened at that party I just knew I wouldn't be the same anymore. Tiff and her friends still treat me like shit. They find ways to make it worse for me and the bad part about it Mikhail doesn't do or say anything to defend me.

I just want to leave and never come back. I thought I could trust Mikhail, but boy was I wrong.

|Mikhail " Khail " Daniels|

We were working on our project today. I hadn't seen Nicole in almost two weeks since the incident. Nicole won't even hear me out. I fell bad for inviting her to the party. I didn't know they would do that to her. Shit I didn't know that they would do that to me. I was typing on my laptop when I noticed something on her wrist.

She cuts herself?

I know I did her wrong in the beginning, but I'm concerned about her. Seeing that made me feel like shit on top of shit. Why couldn't I just admit my feelings to or for her? I had to go and take the coward way out and bully her. Now shit just getting worse.

"What's that?" I asked. She looks down and covers it up.

"Nothing." She says avoiding eye contact.

"Nicole let me see." I said trying to pull her sleeve up.

"Don't fucking touch me." She hissed.

"I'm just trying to help." I said. She scoffed.

"Mikhail please. You don't even know what help means. All you do is find ways to embarrass me in front of everybody. Stop trying to help me! I don't need your fucking help!" She shouted.

"Nicole please, just let me help you." I pleaded.

"You didn't want to help me before so don't try and help me now." She said and stormed away. I sighed. She is so damn stubborn.

What am I going to do to let her see I'm not trying to hurt her? That I'm here for her? I have to gain her trust again.

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