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Chapter 31

Three Weeks Later...

|Nicole " NiNi " Thomas|

I had a doctors appointment today to check on my injuries and the baby. I still can't believe I'm pregnant. Hell I'm happy that I didn't really lose the baby.

I put on a simple maxi dress and some sandals. Hopefully I can get these casts off soon if not I'll be taking them off my damn self. They irritate me so damn much.

"You ready to go?" Mikhail asked. I nodded and grabbed my purse. We made our way out the house. Mikhail locked the door behind us and we walked toward the elevator.

"What do you think we going to have?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"I never thought about it, with everything that was going on, honestly." He said. I nodded. The elevator dinged and we stepped off.

"I'm glad everything is over. Hopefully everything will be peaceful now." I said. I honestly can't deal with anymore drama now or later.


"Everything looks fine. You can have your cast taken off in two more weeks. The baby is growing and healthy. Stay away from stress and relax as much as you can." The doctor said wiping my stomach off.

"Here's you prescription eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and make sure you stay off that leg." She playfully scolded. I nodded my head.

Once we left there we headed to get something to eat. I thought about Checkers I haven't had that in so long.

"Just get me strips and fries." I said. He nodded and placed our order. Once we got our food he drove off. I don't know where he was going, but I wasn't complaining I've been in the house long enough.

When we finally stopped we were in a field. He cut the car off and got out. He went and got a blanket from the back. When did he even put that in here? He helped me out the car. We walked a good distance from the car before he opened the blanket and laid it on the grass.

"Why are we here?" I asked once I was situated.

"Just to think." He said. I nodded. I looked around and it was trees around, a little pond, flowers, and grass. It was relaxing. We both ate in silence.

"Why?" Mikhail blurted out. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.


"Why are you with me after everything I did to you?" He asked. I sat there in silence thinking. I know from the beginning he did me wrong, but my love for him overruled everything else. Most people wouldn't have been with the person that bullied them, but honestly God plans these things out already. Everything that happens to you is a test. He don't put no more on you then you can bare.

"My love for you were is stronger then whatever you did to me." I said.

"Why do you love those that hurt you?" He asked.

"If I didn't, what kind of person would I be? How would I expect to love those who love me if I can't first love the ones that hurt me? I can always forgive, but one thing I will not do is forget. In order to grow as a person, Mikhail you have to make mistakes." I said. He nodded.

"Aren't I just the luckiest man in the world. I did you wrong and everyday I wish I didn't. Everyday I look at you and see the pain my friends and I caused you. I just wonder is this all really a dream or if I'm hallucinating."

"Mikhail it's not a dream. Like I say and I'll always say, things happen for a reason, good or bad." I said. He just looked ahead. It was quiet between the both of us. I honestly have learned to grow. Nothing anyone does will ever stop me from living for me. I might lose people along the way, go through the trenches to get to where I need to, be homeless, hungry, broken, all of it, but I'd never stop living because I know one day I'll be at the top.

|Tiffany Mills|

I can't stop how I feel. Mikhail is my man and I want him back! I'll do whatever it takes to get him back. She does not deserve Khail, I do! I don't even know what he sees in her anyway. How could he leave me for her? I'm the best he ever had. I love him, I miss him, I just can't be without him. I will have Khail back soon. I just need to think of a plan to get rid of that fat bitch first. Nicole better watch her back.

|Mikhail " Khail " Daniels|

I helped Nicole in the house. We just came back from hanging around the field that I took her to. Sometimes I do feel like Nicole is too good for me or that this is all a dream and in a snap of an eye it will all be taken away from me.

"Nicole I'm going to practice!" I yelled out grabbing my gym bag.

"Alright see you later!" She yelled back. I walked out the door and headed to practice.


"PASS THE BALL!" I yelled for the umpteenth time. Tim has been acting like a bitch since I got here.

"Time out!" I called.

"Yo Mark what the fuck is your problem?!" I shouted.

"You fucking with that fat bitch is my problem. You need my sister b-" Before he could finish his sentence I was beating his ass.

"Break it up!" Coach yelled. People had to pull me off him.

"What the fuck is going on?" Coach asked.

"This wannabe ass Michael Jordan won't pass the ball cause I'm not fucking with his sister no more. He talking shit about my girl, so I started beating his ass." I said. Coach looked at the both of us.

"You both benched for the next three weeks. Get out of my gym with that shit!" He said.

"But coach I-" He cut Tim off.

"Out!" He yelled.

"Daniels my office." I followed behind him to his office.

"Look coach I'm sorry." I said.

"You are the captain of the team and this is how you act?! You're my star player and you already going down the wrong path. I don't care about your personal life, but you will not bring it into my gym! Whatever beef you two have should be settled on the court playing ball, not fighting. Now your both benched for three weeks!" He yelled. I sighed. He right. This is not the time or the place for fighting.

"I'm sorry coach." I said. He nodded and dismissed me. I sighed making my way to the locker rooms.

"Hey Khail!" Tiffany said. I ignored her and continued walking.

"So it's like that?" She asked. I walked into the locker room and headed for the showers. I should've been the bigger person, but he deserved it. I'm not going to sit back and let anyone talk about Nicole.

"Yo what the fuck?" I opened my eyes to see Tiffany naked in the shower with me. I snatched her hand off my dick. This crazy bitch.

"Come on Khail you know you miss this." She said turning around. I looked at her in disgust. I didn't even bother to finish my shower. I just grabbed my stuff and walked out. This hoe is cray. I quickly dried off and throw on my clothes.

"Khail are you seriously leaving me dripping wet for you?" She asked grabbing my arm. I pushed her off me making her fall to the floor.

"Don't fucking touch me." I gritted out. I walked out leaving her there.

Will either of us ever catch a fucking break?

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